ADPCI, Action, Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7, Par8
Defines parameters associated with adaptive crack initiation.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Specifies action for defining or manipulating initial crack data:

Command Specification for Action = DEFINE

ADPCI, DEFINE, Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4

Par1 --

ADPCI ID number.

Par2 --

Node component name (≤ 32 characters) for defining the crack-initiation zone.

Par3 --

MATID -- Material ID for defining the crack-initiation criterion.

Par4 --

Shape of the initialized crack:

ELLIPSE – Elliptical crack shape (default, and the only valid value).

Command Specifications for Action = GEOM

ADPCI, GEOM, Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7, Par8

Par1 --

ADPCI ID number.

Par2 --

Crack geometry characteristic to define:

CENTER – Specify the ellipse center location.
AXES – Specify the directions of the two ellipse axes.
ALEN – Specify the lengths of two ellipse axes. This value is required when AXES or LCS is specified.
LCS – Local coordinate system number for defining the ellipse center location and axes directions. See "Notes" below.
Par3 --

The first value to assign to the geometry characteristic specified via Par2:

If Par2 = CENTER, the X coordinate of the ellipse center.
If Par2 = AXES, the X component of the first ellipse axis direction.
If Par2 = ALEN, the length of the first ellipse axis.
If Par2 = LCS, the local coordinate system number.
Par4 --

The second value to assign to the geometry characteristic specified via Par2:

If Par2 = CENTER, the Y coordinate of the ellipse center.
If Par2 = AXES, the Y component of the first ellipse axis direction.
If Par2 = ALEN, the length of the second ellipse axis.
Par5 --

The third value to assign to the geometry characteristic specified via Par2:

If Par2 = CENTER, the Z coordinate of the ellipse center.
If Par2 = AXES, the Z component of the first ellipse axis direction.
Par6 --

The fourth value to assign to the geometry characteristic specified via Par2:

If Par2 = AXES, the X component of the second ellipse axis direction.
Par7 --

The fifth value to assign to the geometry characteristic specified via Par2:

If Par2 = AXES, the Y component of the second ellipse axis direction.
Par8 --

The sixth value to assign to the geometry characteristic specified via Par2:

If Par2 = AXES, the Z component of the second ellipse axis direction.

Command Specification for Action = FCRI

ADPCI, FCRI, Par1, Par2, Par3

Par1 --

ADPCI ID number.

Par2 --

Crack-initiation criterion type:

PSMAX -- Maximum principal stress criterion (default, and the only valid value).
Par3 --

The value for the material criterion specified in Par2. Only a single value is valid. Tabular input is not supported.

A valid ADPCI,FCRI command overrides the crack-initiation criterion defined via ADPCI,DEFINE,,,MATID.

Command Specifications for Action = DELE


Par1 --

ADPCI ID (default = ALL).

Command Specifications for Action = LIST


Par1 --

ADPCI ID number (default = ALL).


For ADPCI,GEOM,LCS, the ellipse center locates at the origin of the local coordinate system. The local coordinate system Y axis defines the plane normal of the ellipse, and X and Z axes define two orientations of the ellipse. (The LCS argument is equivalent to combining the CENTER and AXES arguments. Separate ADPCI,GEOM commands to specify those arguments are therefore not issued.)

The axis length defined via ADPCI,GEOM,ALEN is the diameter (not the radius).

For more information about using ADPCI in a crack-initiation analysis, see SMART Method for Crack-Initiation Simulation in the Fracture Analysis Guide.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.