1.8. Recommendations

The following table provides guidelines for selecting the optimal analysis method to use for a brake-squeal problem:

Analysis MethodBenefitsCosts
Linear non-prestressed modal

Fast run time

No convergence issues

Good method for performing parametric studies


Does not include prestress effects

Partial nonlinear perturbed modal

No convergence issues

Includes prestress effects


Full nonlinear perturbed modal


Includes prestress effects

Longer run time

Convergence issues

The following table provides guidelines for selecting the optimal eigensolver (MODOPT) for obtaining the brake-squeal solution:


Fast run time

An excellent solver for performing parametric studies

Accuracy, as it approximates the unsymmetric stiffness matrix

Not recommended when the number of elements contributing to unsymmetric stiffness matrix exceeds 10 percent of the total number of elements in the model


Accuracy, as it uses the full unsymmetric stiffness matrix to solve the problem

Long run time when many modes are extracted

For further information, see Brake-Squeal (Prestressed Modal) Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide.