67.10. Input Files

The following files are used in this problem:

  • 1mtPEvbin.vtk -- Crystal plasticity grain mesh in .vtk format for bin comparison analysis between 1 material per element and 8 bins.

  • GS1.vtk -- Crystal plasticity grain mesh in .vtk format for grain-size comparison analysis (grain sample 1).

  • GS2.vtk -- Crystal plasticity grain mesh in .vtk format for grain-size comparison analysis (grain sample 2).

  • GS3.vtk -- Crystal plasticity grain mesh in .vtk format for grain-size comparison analysis (grain sample 3).

  • GS4.vtk -- Crystal plasticity grain mesh in .vtk format for grain-size comparison analysis (grain sample 4).

  • vtk2WB_FCC_nonuniform.py -- Python file script for the converting .vtk files (for bin- and grain-size comparison) to Mechanical APDL commands that input the geometry, mesh, and material data in .dat format (used with the corresponding .dat input files listed below). Specify a 50 x 50 x 50 mesh for grain-size analysis and a 30 x 30 x 30 mesh for the bin analysis.

  • vtk_bin_analysis.inp -- Geometry and mesh file for bin analysis.

  • vtk_gs_analysis.inp -- Geometry and mesh file for grain-size analysis.

  • CP_bin_wbinp.dat – Contains the relevant portion of the geometry and mesh data extracted from vtk_bin_analysis.inp. The data in the file serves as input for CP_1matPE.dat and CP_8bin.dat.

  • CP_GS_wbinp.dat – Contains the relevant portion of the geometry and mesh data extracted from vtk_gs_analysis.inp. The data in the file serves as input for CP_GS1.dat, CP_GS2.dat, CP_GS3.dat, and CP_GS4.dat.

  • mCP_1matPE.dat -- Crystal plasticity material assignment for the bin analysis (1 material per element).

  • mCP_8bin.dat-- Crystal plasticity material assignment for bin analysis (mesh divided into 8 material property bins).

  • mCP_GS1.dat -- Crystal plasticity material assignment for grain-size analysis (grain sample 1).

  • mCP_GS2.dat -- Crystal plasticity material assignment for grain-size analysis (grain sample 2).

  • mCP_GS3.dat -- Crystal plasticity material assignment for grain-size analysis (grain sample 3).

  • mCP_GS4.dat -- Crystal plasticity material assignment for grain size analysis (grain sample 4).

  • CP_1matPE.dat -- Input file for bin analysis (1 material per element).

  • CP_8bin.dat -- Input file for bin analysis (mesh divided into 8 material property bins).

  • CP_GS1.dat -- Input file for grain-size analysis (grain sample 1).

  • CP_GS2.dat -- Input file for grain-size analysis (grain sample 2).

  • CP_GS3.dat -- Input file for grain-size analysis (grain sample 3).

  • CP_GS4.dat -- Input file for grain-size analysis (grain sample 4).

  • td_67.dat -- Primary input file for the grain-size comparison and the bin vs. one-material-per-element comparisons.

The files are for partial numbers of substeps of 340. To run the full number of 1000 substeps, scale your number of substeps proportionately via the NSUBST and TIME commands, and by adjusting the STRETCH maximum-displacement variable in the respective input files (CP_GS1.dat, CP_GS2.dat, CP_GS3.dat, CP_GS4.dat, CP_1matPE.dat, CP_8bin.dat), depending on whether you want to run individually or in batch mode.