9.7. Where to Find Other Examples

Several Ansys, Inc. publications, particularly the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual and the Technology Showcase: Example Problems, describe additional linear perturbation analysis examples. Example command inputs for including inertia relief calculations in a static analysis with geometric nonlinearity, a linear perturbation static analysis, and a linear perturbation buckling analysis are given in Including Inertia Relief Calculations in the Basic Analysis Guide.

The Mechanical APDL Verification Manual consists of test case analyses demonstrating the analysis capabilities of the Ansys, Inc. family of products. While these test cases demonstrate solutions to realistic analysis problems, the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual does not present them as step-by-step examples with lengthy data input instructions and printouts (unnecessary if you have at least some finite element experience). Be sure to review each test case's finite element model and input data with accompanying comments.

The Mechanical APDL Verification Manual includes the following linear perturbation analysis test cases:

Linear Perturbation Modal Analysis

VM53 - Vibration of a String Under Tension
VM54 - Vibration of a Rotating Cantilever Blade
VM55 - Vibration of a Stretched Circular Membrane
VM59 - Lateral Vibration of an Axially-loaded Bar

Linear Perturbation Eigenvalue Buckling Analysis

VM127 - Buckling of a Bar with Hinged Ends (Line Elements)
VM128 - Buckling of a Bar with Hinged Ends (Area Elements)
VMR029–T4 - Lateral Torsional Buckling of an Elastic Cantilever Subjected to Transverse End Load

Linear Perturbation Full Harmonic Analysis

VM76 - Harmonic Response of a Guitar String

The Technology Showcase: Example Problems presents a series of analysis problems from a variety of engineering disciplines. Each problem description provides information about the nature and physical characteristics of the problem, specific modeling techniques, material properties, boundary conditions and loading, analysis details, and solution controls. The guide includes the following example problems that use linear perturbation analysis methods: