7.11. Repeating the Rezoning Process if Necessary

More than one rezoning may be necessary if a mesh distortion still exists in the domain despite a previous rezoning. You can rezone a domain that you have already rezoned by selecting a region (or regions) in the same domain at a different time and substep than that of the initial rezoning.

To rezone again, a region that you select for remeshing can be the same region that you selected in a previous rezoning or a different region. As in the initial rezoning, you can use horizontal rezoning to select more than one region for remeshing.

Although no theoretical limit on the number of allowable rezonings in the same domain exists, the program allows up to 99 rezonings in a single job. In practice, two or three rezonings in a given domain should be sufficient.

To perform another rezoning, simply repeat the rezoning process. No special command is necessary, and the rezoning process remains the same.

7.11.1. File Structures for Repeated Rezonings

When multiple rezonings occur in the same domain during the same analysis, each creates a different finite element model. To make restarting and rezoning from any substep possible, the program saves the .rdb files for the initial model and for each rezoned model. However, only one result .rst file is created for postprocessing.

Following is the file structure after more than one rezoning has occurred:

File type Rezone 0 (standard run) Rezone 1 Rezone 2 ... Rezone 11 ... Rezone nn
.rdb .rdb.rd01.rd02....rd11....rdnn
.rnnn .rnnn .rnnn .rnnn ....rnnn ....rnnn
.ldhi .ldhi
.rst .rst

The maximum number of .rdb files is 99. The .ldhi load history file contains information for all models created as a result of multiple rezonings.