7.10. Step 7: Perform a Multiframe Restart

After successfully mapping (MAPSOLVE) solved variables from the old mesh to the new mesh and checking the mapped results, continue the solution based on the new mesh via a standard multiframe restart from the last mapping substep (that is, the substep at which you initiated rezoning plus the number of substeps required by the mapping operation).

Even if you have rezoned several times in the same domain, you can still perform a standard multiframe restart.

You can restart from any substep at which the .rnnn file, .rdb file, and .ldhi load history file exist. You need only specify the substep to restart; the program detects the necessary .rdb file, and the .rst file to modify, then finds the corresponding load history information from the .ldhi file.

After the restart, the program deletes all .rdb, .rst, and .rnnn files on the substeps subsequent to the specified restart substep.

This step concludes the rezoning process. At this point, you can repeat the rezoning process if you wish, or perform postprocessing on the rezoned analysis results.