3.2. Tips and Limitations

Keep in mind the following tips and limitations for a successful multistage modeling:

  • Stages can be assembled radially or axially.

  • Nodes located on the cyclic symmetry axis are not supported. The degenerate constraint equations (D) are not internally applied.

  • A stage modeled using axisymmetry is not supported.

  • When using NSEL to select edge and interface nodes, make sure the tolerance is chosen (SELTOL) to select only the edge/interface nodes.

  • Make sure the constraint equations created with CECYCMS and CEIMS are not modified. In particular, avoid modifying the numbering (for example, avoid NUMCMP).

  • The base/duplicate numbering cannot be arbitrary. The CDWRITE and CDREAD commands can be used so that the following rule is respected:

    • The offset between nodes on base and duplicate sectors must be positive and constant.

      • There can be arbitrary numbering gaps between each base/duplicate group.

  • The nodal rotations base sector nodes and their corresponding duplicate sector nodes must be the same.

  • Loading on cyclic edges is not supported.

  • Loading on multistage interstage boundaries (Interstage objects in the Mechanical Application) is not supported.

  • During each solve, any user defined constraint equations (CE, CEINTF,...) may be altered. For each solve (SOLVE), you should remove these constraints (CEDELE) and reissue them (CE, CEINTF,…).

  • For elements with homogeneous and layered forms, only the homogeneous forms are supported, and elements with active layers (e.g. SOLID186 with KEYOPT(3) = 1) are not supported.

  • SHELL131 and SHELL132 are not supported.