7.6. Step 6. Plot Your Experimental Data and Analyze

After solving, the coefficient tables contain both the fitted coefficients and the residual errors. Plot your data (TBFPLOT) to visually interpret the results.

The first column is always the X axis, with each additional column plotted separately as a function of column 1.

To determine results acceptability, consider the visual fit and the error norm/residual values. Error norm values help to determine the quality of curve-fitting and whether to accept the results, but are not always the best indicator of a valid curve fit. Plotting the curves and visually assessing the result is usually the best indication.

If the results are unacceptable, you can go back to step 3 and solve again, either by choosing a different model, increasing the order, or redefining your initial values of the coefficients or other control parameters. You can continue to use your original experimental data, repeating step 3 through step 6 until you obtain an acceptable solution.