TBFPLOT, MATID, CurveFitName, EXPDATID, ColX, ColY1, ColY2
Plots material curve-fitting data.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Material reference identification number.


Material curve-fitting model name (obtainable via TBFT,LIST). Enclose the name within single quotes.


Experimental data ID.


Experimental data column to use in the X axis.


Experimental data column to use in the Y axis.


Fitted-data column to use in the Y axis.


This command plots the fitted data specified via ColY2 (the number of experimental data columns + 1) and the data specified via ColY1 as a function of the X-axis data specified via ColX.

Issue this command after curve-fitting has been completed (TBFT,SOLVE).

Material curve-fitting does not support saving to (SAVE) and resuming from (RESUME) the database file. You must therefore rerun the curve-fitting analysis, then issue TBFPLOT again to replot.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models