5.1. Acoustics

5.1.1. Perforated Media Equivalent Fluid Model of Perforated Media Johnson-Champoux-Allard Equivalent Fluid Model of Perforated Media

To define a Johnson-Champoux-Allard equivalent fluid model of a perforated medium in an acoustic full harmonic analysis, issue this command:


The effective density is given by:



ρ0 = Fluid density
σ = Fluid resistivity
= Porosity
α = Tortuosity
Λ = Viscous characteristic length
η = Dynamic viscosity

The effective bulk modulus is given by:



= Specific heat ratio
P0 = Static reference pressure
Prt = Prandtl number
Λ' = Thermal characteristic length

The constants C1 through C5 (entered via the TBDATA command) are:

Constant Meaning
C1Fluid resistivity (N·s/m4)
C2Porosity (defaults to 1)
C3Tortuosity (defaults to 1)
C4Viscous characteristic length (m)
C5Thermal characteristic length (m)

Additional material parameters are input via the MP and R commands. For more information, see Equivalent Fluid Model of Perforated Material in the Acoustic Analysis Guide and Equivalent Fluid of Perforated Materials in the Theory Reference. Delany-Bazley Equivalent Fluid Model of Perforated Media

To define a Delany-Bazley equivalent fluid model of a perforated medium in an acoustic full harmonic analysis, issue this command:


The impedance is given by:

The propagating constant is given by:


σ = Fluid resistivity
f = Frequency
ω = Angular frequency
co = speed of sound

The constant C1 (entered via the TBDATA command) is:

Constant Meaning
C1Fluid resistivity (N·s/m4) Miki Equivalent Fluid Model of Perforated Media

To define a Miki equivalent fluid model of a porous medium in an acoustic full harmonic analysis, issue this command:


The impedance is given by:

The propagating constant is given by:


σ = Fluid resitivity
f = Frequency
ω = Angular frequency

The constant C1 (entered via the TBDATA command) is:

Constant Meaning
C1Fluid resistivity (N·s/m4) Complex Impedance and Propagating-Constant Equivalent Fluid Model of Perforated Media

To define a complex impedance and propagating-constant equivalent fluid model of a porous medium in an acoustic full harmonic analysis, issue this command:


The impedance is given by:

The propagating constant is given by:


R = Resistance
X = Reactance
α = Attenuation constant
β = Phase constant

The constants C1 through C4 (entered via the TBDATA command) are:

Constant Meaning
C1Resistance (Pa·s /m)
C2Reactance (Pa·s /m)
C3Attenuation constant (Nepers/m)
C4Phase constant (Rad/m) Complex Density and Velocity Equivalent Fluid Model of Perforated Media

To define a complex impedance-propagating constant equivalent fluid model of a porous medium in an acoustic full harmonic analysis, issue this command:


The complex density is given by:

ρ = ρr + jρi

The complex sound speed is given by:

c = cr + jci


ρr = Real part of complex density (kg/m3)
ρi = Imaginary part of complex density (kg/m3)
cr = Real part of complex sound speed (m/s)
ci = Imaginary part of complex sound speed (m/s)

The constants C1 through C4 (entered via the TBDATA command) are:

Constant Meaning
C1Real part of complex density (kg/m3)
C2Imaginary part of complex density (kg/m3)
C3Real part of complex sound speed (m/s)
C4Imaginary part of complex sound speed (m/s) Poroelastic Acoustic Material

To define a poroelastic acoustic material of a perforated medium in an acoustic full harmonic analysis, issue this command:


The constants C1 through C10 (entered via the TBDATA command) are:

Constant Meaning
C1Fluid resistivity (N·s/m4)
C2Porosity (defaults to 1)
C3Tortuosity (defaults to 1)
C4Viscous characteristic length (m)
C5Thermal characteristic length (m)
C6Bulk density of solid phase of the poroelasic material (kg/m3)
C7Loss factor of elasticity moduli (defaults to 0)
C8Loss factor of shear moduli (defaults to 0)
C9Biot’s coefficient (defaults to 1)
C10Bulk modulus of the elastic solid from which the frame is made (N/m2) (defaults to 0)

Additional material parameters are input via the MP command. For more information, see Poroelastic Acoustic Material in the Acoustic Analysis Guide and Poroelastic Acoustics in the Theory Reference. Transfer Admittance Matrix Models Transfer Admittance Matrix Model of Perforated Media

To define a transfer admittance matrix model of a porous medium in an acoustic full harmonic analysis, issue this command:


A two-port transfer admittance matrix is given by:


νn1 = Normal velocity at port 1
ρ1 = Pressure at port 1
νn2 = Normal velocity at port 2
ρ2 = Pressure at port 2
Y11, Y12, Y21, Y22 = Complex admittance elements
α 1 = Internal source related to port 1 (usually zero in acoustic applications)
α 2 = Internal source related to port 2 (usually zero in acoustic applications)

The constants C1 through C12 (entered via the TBDATA command) are:

Constant Meaning
C1Real part of complex Y11 (m/Pa·s)
C2Imaginary part of complex Y11 (m/Pa·s)
C3Real part of complex Y12 (m/Pa·s)
C4Imaginary part of complex Y12 (m/Pa·s)
C5Real part of complex Y21 (m/Pa·s)
C6Imaginary part of complex Y21 (m/Pa·s)
C7Real part of complex Y22 (m/Pa·s)
C8Imaginary part of complex Y22 (m/Pa·s)
C9Real part of complex α 1 (m/s)
C10Imaginary part of complex α 1 (m/s)
C11Real part of complex α 2 (m/s)
C12Imaginary part of complex α 2 (m/s)

For an acoustic 2 x 2 transfer admittance matrix, the port number (SF,Nlist,PORT) can be any positive integer.

If the two ports of the transfer admittance matrix are connecting to the fluid, the smaller port number corresponds to port 1 of the 2 x 2 transfer admittance matrix and the greater port number corresponds to port 2.

If one port of the transfer admittance matrix is connecting to the acoustic-structural interaction interface and another port is connecting to the fluid, the FSI interface (SF,Nlist,FSI) corresponds to port 1 and the defined port number (SF,Nlist,PORT) corresponds to port 2 of the transfer admittance matrix.

A pair of ports of the 2 x 2 transfer admittance matrix must be defined in the same element. Transfer Admittance Matrix Model of a Square or Hexagonal Grid Structure

To define a transfer admittance matrix model of a square grid structure in an acoustic full harmonic analysis, issue this command:


To define a hexagonal grid structure, issue this command:


A two-port transfer admittance matrix is given by:


Y = Complex admittance elements determined by geometric dimension and material
β = Ratio of inner and outer radius for cylindrical structure (default = 1)

The constants C1 through C6 (entered via the TBDATA command) are:

Constant Meaning
C1Radius of the hole (m)
C2Period of the square or hexagonal grid structure (m)
C3Thickness of the structure (m)
C4Mass density of fluid (kg/m3)
C5Dynamic viscosity of fluid (Pa·s)
C6Ratio of inner and outer radius for cylindrical structure

5.1.2. Acoustic Frequency-Dependent Materials

To define frequency-dependent material in an acoustic full harmonic analysis, issue this command:


The constants C1 through C9 (entered via the TBDATA command) are:

Constant Meaning
C1Mass density (kg/m3)
C2Sound speed (m/s)
C3Dynamic viscosity (Pa·s)
C4Thermal conductivity (W/m·K)
C5Specific heat (J/kg·K)
C6Heat coefficient at constant volume per unit of mass (J/kg·K)
C7Bulk viscosity (Pa·s)
C8Diffusivity of sound (m2/s)
C9Dimensionless nonlinearity coefficient

5.1.3. Low Reduced Frequency (LRF) Model of Acoustic Viscous-Thermal Media Thin Layer

To define the low reduced frequency model in an acoustic full harmonic analysis for a thin layer, issue this command:


The constant C1 (entered via the TBDATA command) is:

Constant Meaning
C1Thickness of the layer Tube with Rectangular Cross-Section

To define the low reduced frequency model in an acoustic full harmonic analysis for a tube with a rectangular cross-section, issue this command:


The constants C1 through C2 (entered via the TBDATA command) are:

Constant Meaning
C1Width of the rectangular cross-section
C2Height of the rectangular cross-section Tube with Circular Cross-Section

To define the low reduced frequency model in an acoustic full harmonic analysis for a tube with a circular cross-section, issue this command:


The constant C1 (entered via the TBDATA command) is:

Constant Meaning
C1Radius of the circular cross-section

5.1.4. Diffusion Properties for Room Acoustics

To define frequency-dependent diffusion properties for room acoustics, issue this command:


The constants C1 through C4 (entered via the TBDATA command) are:

Constant Meaning
C1Empty room diffusion coefficient (m2/s)
C2The coefficient of atmospheric attenuation (1/m)
C3Furniture diffusion coefficient (m2/s)
C4Furniture absorption coefficient