3.8. Review Results

Results from a thin film fluid analysis are stored on the Jobname.RST file. The primary result from the fluid analysis is the nodal pressures. For a harmonic analysis, the pressures are stored as complex values (Real and Imaginary components). The General Postprocessor (POST1) discusses reading results into the database and viewing the nodal degree of freedom (pressure) results.

Each fluid element computes and stores results for the mid-plane fluid velocity (PG) and effective viscosity. Use the element table to retrieve and view these results.

To compute the damping and squeeze stiffness coefficients from the resulting pressure distribution on the surface of a structure, use the element table tools to compute the force on a per-element basis, then sum over all elements to compute the coefficients. The following command sequence demonstrates how to do this task. This example assumes parameters "omega" and "velo" exist (frequency and normal velocity (FLUE loading), respectively).

set,1,1                    ! store Real solution
etable,presR,temp          ! extract "Real" pressure
etable,earea,volu          ! extract element area
smult,forR,presR,earea     ! compute "Real" force
ssum                       ! sum over all elements
*get,Fre,ssum,,item,forR   ! get the total "real" force
set,1,1,,1                 ! store Imaginary solution
etable,presI,temp          ! extract "Imaginary" pressure
smult,forI,presI,earea     ! compute "Imaginary" force
ssum                       ! sum over all elements	
*get,Fim,ssum,,item,forI   ! get the total "imaginary" force

K=abs(Fim*omega/velo)      ! Compute squeeze stiffness coefficient
C=abs(Fre/velo)            ! Compute damping coefficient

/com, ** Equivalent squeeze stiffness coefficient ** 
/com, ** Equivalent damping coefficient ** 