4.5. Linear Buckling Cyclic Symmetry Analysis

The process for a linear buckling analysis is essentially the same as that for a prestressed modal cyclic symmetry analysis, with two essential differences:

  • Since the linear perturbation procedure is not supported for cyclic symmetry buckling analyses, the PSTRES command is used to include prestress effects.

  • Buckling options (ANTYPE,BUCKLE and BUCOPT,LANB) are necessary to calculate buckling loads and the corresponding buckled mode shapes.

The following flowchart illustrates the process involved in an eigenvalue buckling cyclic symmetry analysis.

Figure 4.16: Process Flow for a Linear Buckling Cyclic Symmetry Analysis

Process Flow for a Linear Buckling Cyclic Symmetry Analysis

4.5.1. Postprocessing a Linear Buckling Cyclic Symmetry Analysis

A cyclic symmetry solution typically has multiple load step results depending upon the harmonic index solutions requested. The SET,LIST command lists the harmonic indices solved and the buckling load multipliers within each harmonic index. Use SET,LIST,,,,,,,ORDER to list the buckling load multipliers in ascending order.

Use the /CYCEXPAND command to expand the cyclic symmetry results to the full 360° model, see Using the /CYCEXPAND Command.