U Commands

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/UCMD - Assigns a user-defined command name.
/UDOC - Determines position and content for the multi-legend options.
/UI - Activates specified GUI dialog boxes.
UIMP - Defines constant material properties (GUI).
/UIS - Controls the GUI behavior.
/UPF - Links a user-programmable routine into Mechanical APDL.
*ULIB - Identifies a macro library file.
UNDELETE - Removes results sets from the group of sets selected for editing.
UNDO - Enables the user to modify or save commands issued since the last RESUME or SAVE.
/UNITS - Annotates the database with the system of units used.
UNPAUSE - Restores use of a temporarily released product license.
UPCOORD - Modifies the coordinates of the active set of nodes, based on the current displacements.
UPGEOM - Adds displacements from a previous analysis and updates the geometry to the deformed configuration.
*USE - Executes a macro file.
/USER - Conveniently resets /FOCUS and /DIST to USER.
USRCAL - Allows user-solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated.
USRDOF - Specifies the degrees of freedom for the user-defined element USER300.
USRELEM - Specifies the characteristics of the user-defined element USER300.