Sets the element type attribute pointer.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Assign a type number to the elements (defaults to 1).

Command Default

ITYPE = 1.


Assigns an element-type number to subsequently defined elements. The number refers to the element-type number (ITYPE) defined with via ET. You can display type numbers (/PNUM).

In some cases, the program can proceed with a meshing operation even when no logical element type has been assigned via TYPE or XATT,,,TYPE. For more information, see the discussion for setting element attributes in Meshing Your Solid Model.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Default Attribs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Elem Ext Opts