TBFIELD, Type, Value
Defines values of field variables for material data tables.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Field variable type:



A healing cycle number is to be specified in Value.



A frequency is to be specified in Value.



A normal pressure is to be specified in Value.



An equivalent plastic strain rate is to be specified in Value.



Pressure degree of freedom is to be specified in Value.



A total sliding distance (algebraic) is to be specified in Value.



A total sliding distance (absolute) is to be specified in Value.



A sliding velocity is to be specified in Value.



Stress ratio of fatigue load cycle is to be specified in Value.



A temperature is to be specified in Value.



A time is to be specified in Value.



User-defined field variable (UF01,UF02, ..., UF09).

UX / UY / UZ


Displacements in the global/local X, Y, or Z coordinate system, respectively, are to be specified in Value.



X, Y and Z locations, respectively, are to be specified in Value..


The field value to be referenced.


Define your data tables as field-variable-dependent (via the appropriate TB command), then issue TBFIELD to define the field values.

Issue this command multiple times to enter values for different field variables.

Define data values in ascending order for all field quantities. If a field value is to be held constant, define it only once; subsequent definitions are ignored.

No limit exists on the number of values that you can specify. The specified field value remains active until the next TBFIELD command is input.

Field variables associated with TB commands are supported only for current-technology structural and thermal elements.

After you have defined the field value(s), define your data for the data tables (TBDATA).

For more information about the interpolation scheme used for field-dependent material properties, see Understanding Field Variables in the Material Reference.

For more information about using TBFIELD with TB,ELASTIC or TB,SDAMP, see Full Harmonic Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide.

Material Model Support for Field Variables

The TEMP (temperature) predefined field variable is available for all material models defined via TB,Lab.

Several other field variables are available for use with some material models (when used with specific element types), such as TIME (time), PPRE (pore-pressure), XCOR / YCOR / ZCOR (location), UX / UY / UZ (displacement), and UF01 - UF09 (user-defined).

The field variables can be defined in the global coordinate system or in any local or user-defined coordinate system.

For more information, see Predefined Field Variables in the Material Reference.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.