, LOC2
, R1
, R2
Generates periodic constraints for 2D planar magnetic field analyses.
Constant coordinate location of the first plane of nodes. For
= 1 or 2, the constant coordinate location is the global Cartesian coordinate system (CSYS,0) location in the X or Y direction respectively. ForPLNOPT
= 0, the location is the angle in the global cylindrical coordinate system (CSYS,1).LOC2
Constant coordinate location of the second plane of nodes. For
= 1 or 2, the constant coordinate location is the global Cartesian coordinate system (CSYS,0) location in the X or Y direction respectively. ForPLNOPT
= 0, the location is the angle (in degrees) in the global cylindrical coordinate system (CSYS,1).LOCTOL
Tolerance on the constant coordinate location for node selection. Defaults to .00001 for
= 1 or 2 and .001 degrees forPLNOPT
= 0.R1
Minimum coordinate location along the second plane of nodes. For
= 1 or 2, the coordinate location is the global Cartesian coordinate system location in the Y or X direction respectively. ForPLNOPT
= 0, the coordinate location is the radial coordinate value in the global cylindrical coordinate system. Periodic conditions are not applied to nodes at this location.R2
Maximum coordinate location along the second plane of nodes. For
= 1 or 2, the coordinate location is the global Cartesian coordinate system location in the Y or X direction respectively. ForPLNOPT
= 0, the coordinate location is the radial coordinate value in the global cylindrical coordinate system. Periodic conditions are not applied to nodes at this location.TOLR
Tolerance dimension on node selection along the plane of nodes. Defaults to .00001.
Periodic option:
Odd symmetry (default). Apply constraint equations such that AZ(i) = -AZ(j).
Even symmetry. Apply node coupling such that AZ(i) = AZ(j).
Symmetry plane option:
PERBC2D invokes a Mechanical APDL macro which generates periodic boundary condition constraints for 2D planar magnetic field analysis.
The macro is restricted to node pairs sharing common coordinate values along symmetry planes
separated by a constant coordinate value. Planes (or lines) must lie at either constant angles
= 0), constant X values (PLNOPT
1), or constant Y values (PLNOPT
= 2).
The macro applies constraint equations (OPT
= 0, odd symmetry) or
node coupling (OPT
= 1, even symmetry) to each node pair sharing a
common coordinate value along the symmetry planes. By default, periodic conditions are not
applied at the first and last node pairs on the symmetry planes unless the input location values,
R1 and R2, are adjusted to be less than or greater than the actual node coordinate values.
Nodes are selected for application of constraints via NSEL, with
tolerances on the constant coordinate location (LOCTOL
) and the
coordinate location along the plane (RTOL).