EXTOPT, Lab, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4
Controls options relating to the generation of volume elements from area elements.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Label identifying the control option. The meanings of Val1, Val2, and Val3 will vary depending on Lab.



Sets carryover of the material attributes, real constant attributes, and element coordinate system attributes of the pattern area elements to the generated volume elements. Sets the pattern area mesh to clear when volume generations are done. Val1, Val2, and Val3 are ignored.



Removes all settings associated with this command. Val1, Val2, and Val3 are ignored.



Shows all settings associated with this command. Val1, Val2, Val3, and Val4 are ignored.



Sets carryover of particular pattern area attributes (materials, real constants, and element coordinate systems) of the pattern area elements to the generated volume elements. (See 2.) Val1 can be:



Sets volume elements to use current MAT command settings.



Sets volume elements to use material attributes of the pattern area elements.

Val2 can be:



Sets volume elements to use current REAL command settings.



Sets volume elements to use real constant attributes of the pattern area elements.

Val3 can be:



Sets volume elements to use current ESYS command settings.



Sets volume elements to use element coordinate system attributes of the pattern area elements.

Val4 can be:



Sets volume elements to use current SECNUM command settings.



Sets volume elements to use section attributes of the pattern area elements.



Val1 sets the number of element divisions in the direction of volume generation or volume sweep. For VDRAG and VSWEEP, Val1 is overridden by the LESIZE command NDIV setting. Val2 sets the spacing ratio (bias) in the direction of volume generation or volume sweep. If positive, Val2 is the nominal ratio of last division size to first division size (if > 1.0, sizes increase, if < 1.0, sizes decrease). If negative, Val2 is the nominal ratio of center division(s) size to end divisions size. Ratio defaults to 1.0 (uniform spacing). Val3 and Val4 are ignored.



Sets clearing of pattern area mesh. (See 3.) Val1 can be:



Sets pattern area to remain meshed when volume generation is done.



Sets pattern area mesh to clear when volume generation is done. Val2, Val3 , and Val4 are ignored.



Indicates that volume sweeping options will be set using Val1 and Val2. Settings specified with EXTOPT,VSWE will be used the next time the VSWEEP command is invoked. If Lab = VSWE, Val1 becomes a label. Val1 can be:



Indicates whether you will be prompted for the source and target used by VSWEEP or if VSWE should automatically determine the source and target. If Val1 = AUTO, Val2 is ON by default. VSWE will automatically determine the source and target for VSWEEP. You will be allowed to pick more than one volume for sweeping. When Val2 = OFF, the application prompts you for the source and target for VSWEEP. You will only be allowed to pick one volume for sweeping.



Indicates whether VSWEEP will tet mesh non-sweepable volumes or leave them unmeshed. If Val1 = TETS, Val2 is OFF by default. Non-sweepable volumes will be left unmeshed. When Val2 = ON, the non-sweepable volumes will be tet meshed if the assigned element type supports tet shaped elements.

Val3 is ignored for Lab = VSWE.

Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4

Additional input values as described under each option for Lab.


  1. EXTOPT controls options relating to the generation of volume elements from pattern area elements using the VEXT, VROTAT, VOFFST, VDRAG, and VSWEEP commands. (When using VSWEEP, the pattern area is referred to as the source area.)

  2. Enables carryover of the attributes of the pattern area elements to the generated volume elements when you are using VEXT, VROTAT, VOFFST, or VDRAG. (When using VSWEEP, since the volume already exists, use the VATT command to assign attributes before sweeping.)

  3. When you are using VEXT, VROTAT, VOFFST, or VDRAG, enables clearing of the pattern area mesh when volume generations are done. (When you are using VSWEEP, if selected, the area meshes on the pattern (source), target, and/or side areas clear when volume sweeping is done.)

  4. Neither EXTOPT,VSWE,AUTO nor EXTOPT,VSWE,TETS will be affected by EXTOPT,ON or EXTOPT, OFF.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volume Sweep>Sweep Opts
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Elem Ext Opts