2.10. AUX3 Commands

The auxiliary processor /AUX3 allows you to operate on results files by deleting sets or by changing values. AUX3 commands affect only the data steps index (DSI), time (TIM), loadstep, substep and cumulative step iteration (LSP) records in the results file.

Table 2.95: Results Files

These commands are related to the /AUX3 command.
/AUX3Enters the results file editing processor. 
COMPRESSDeletes all specified sets. 
DELETESpecifies sets in the results file to be deleted before postprocessing. 
FILEAUX3Specifies the results file to be edited. 
LISTLists out the sets in the results file.
MODIFYChanges the listed values of the data in a set. 
UNDELETERemoves results sets from the group of sets selected for editing.