Table 17.1: POST26 Operations shows the operations that can be performed on the time-history data stored by POST26. (Input quantities FACTA, FACTB, FACTC, and table IC are omitted from Table 17.1: POST26 Operations for clarity of the fundamental operations.) All operations are performed in complex variables. The operations create new tables which are also complex numbers.
Table 17.1: POST26 Operations
Description | POST26 Command | Real Operation and Result | Complex Operation | Complex Result |
Addition | ADD | a + c | (a + ib) + (c + id) | (a + c) + i(b + d) |
Multiplication | PROD | a x c | (a + ib) x (c + id) | (ac - bd) + i(ad + bc) |
Division | QUOT | a/c |
Absolute Value | ABS | |a| | |a + ib| |
Arc Tangent | ATAN | 0 | atan (a + ib) | atan (b / a) |
Square Root | SQRT |
Largest Variable | LARGE | Maximum of a and c | ||
Smallest Variable | SMALL | Minimum of a and c | ||
Derivative | DERIV | da/dc | d(a + ib)/dc | da/dc + i db/dc |
Integration | INT1 |
Common Logarithm | CLOG | log10a | log10(a + ib) |
Natural Logarithm | NLOG |
Exponential | EXP | ea | e(a + ib) | ea(cosb + i sinb) |
Complex Conjugate | CONJUG | a | conj (a + ib) | a - ib |
Real Part | REALVAR | a | real (a + ib) | a |
Imaginary Part | IMAGIN | 0 | imag (a + ib) | b |
Read Data into Table | DATA | - | - | - |
Fill Table with Data | FILL | - | - | - |
See Response Spectrum Generator Description (POST26 - Response Spectrum Generator (RESP)) | ||||