17.8. POST26 - Data Operations

Table 17.1: POST26 Operations shows the operations that can be performed on the time-history data stored by POST26. (Input quantities FACTA, FACTB, FACTC, and table IC are omitted from Table 17.1: POST26 Operations for clarity of the fundamental operations.) All operations are performed in complex variables. The operations create new tables which are also complex numbers.

Table 17.1: POST26 Operations

DescriptionPOST26 CommandReal Operation and ResultComplex OperationComplex Result
AdditionADDa + c(a + ib) + (c + id)(a + c) + i(b + d)
MultiplicationPRODa x c(a + ib) x (c + id)(ac - bd) + i(ad + bc)
Absolute ValueABS|a||a + ib|
Arc TangentATAN0atan (a + ib)atan (b / a)
Square RootSQRT
Largest VariableLARGEMaximum of a and c
Smallest VariableSMALLMinimum of a and c
DerivativeDERIVda/dcd(a + ib)/dcda/dc + i db/dc
Common LogarithmCLOGlog10alog10(a + ib)
Natural LogarithmNLOG n a n (a + ib)
ExponentialEXPea e(a + ib) ea(cosb + i sinb)
Complex ConjugateCONJUGaconj (a + ib)a - ib
Real PartREALVARareal (a + ib)a
Imaginary PartIMAGIN0imag (a + ib)b
Read Data into TableDATA---
Fill Table with DataFILL---
See Response Spectrum Generator Description (POST26 - Response Spectrum Generator (RESP))
  1. a + ib (from Table IA or IX) and c + id (from Table IB or IY) are complex numbers, where IA and IB are input quantities on above commands.

  2. For derivative and integration, see Integration and Differentiation Procedures