/AN3D, Keyword, KEY
Specifies 3D annotation functions

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

If Keyword = ANUM, the type of annotation is defined, along with its location. The command format is /AN3D,ANUM,NUM,TYPE,XHOT,YHOT,ZHOT.


Unique number assigned as each annotation is applied to a model. These numbers are applied sequentially, although when an annotation entity is deleted, its number is reassigned.


Annotation internal type number (101 = text, 102 = line, 103 = point, 104 = area, 105 = arrow, 106 = symbol, 108 = bitmap).


X, Y, Z coordinates for hot spot location.

If Keyword = BITM, the annotation is a bitmap. The command format is /AN3D,BITM,TYPE,X,Y,Z.


An integer value between 1 and 99, indicating a texture or bitmap. Numbers 1 through 40 correspond to existing textures (see /TXTRE). Numbers 51 through 99 correspond to textures defined using the File option of the /TXTRE command. You can use this capability to override the predefined logo, clamp and arrow files available from the GUI dialog box (numbers 51 through 57). Numbers 41 through 50 are reserved.

X, Y, Z

X, Y, Z coordinates for the lower left corner of the bitmap.

If Keyword = TEXT, an annotation text string is created. The command format is /AN3D,TEXT,X,Y,Z,Text_String.

X, Y, Z

X, Y, Z coordinate location for text string.


Text string to be applied as annotation.

If Keyword = LINE, an annotation line is created. The command format is /AN3D,LINE,X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2.

X1, Y1, Z1

X, Y, Z coordinates for beginning of line.

X2, Y2, Z2

X, Y, Z coordinates for end of line.

If Keyword = POINT, a dot will be drawn in space (this option is not available from the GUI). The command format is /AN3D,POINT,X,Y,Z.

X, Y, Z

X, Y, Z coordinates for point.

If Keyword = AREA, a polygonal area with n vertices will be drawn. The command format is /AN3D,AREA,NVERT,Xn,Yn,Zn.


The number of vertices (n) for the polygon. Your Polygon can have between 3 and 9 vertices.

Xn, Yn, Zn

X, Y, Z coordinate location for vertex n.

If Keyword = ARROW, an annotation arrow is created. The command format is /AN3D,ARROW,SIZE,X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2.


Symbol size multiplier (0.1 to 20.0, default = 1.0) for the head of the arrow.

X1, Y1, Z1

X, Y, Z coordinates for the location of the tail.

X2, Y2, Z2

X, Y, Z coordinate for the location of the tip.

If Keyword = SYMBOL, an annotation symbol is created. The command format is /AN3D,SYMBOL,TYPE,X,Y,Z,SIZE.


The symbol type (1 = CAP, 2 = TEE, 3 = CIRCLE, 4 = TRIANGLE, 5 = STAR).

X, Y, Z

X, Y, Z coordinate location for the symbol.


Size multiplier for the symbol (0.1 to 20.0, default = 1.0)


Because 3D annotation is applied in relation to the XYZ coordinates of the anchor, you can transform your model, and the annotation will maintain the spatial relationship with the model. This works within reason, and there are instances where changing the perspective or the size of the model will change the apparent relationship between the annotation and the model.

The overall 3D dimensions of your model are defined by a bounding box. If portions of your model's bounding box lie outside of the visible area of your graphics window (if you are zoomed in on a specific area of your model), it can affect the placement of your 3D annotations. Zooming out will usually overcome this problem.

3D annotation is valid for the Cartesian (CSYS,0) coordinate system only. If you want to annotate a model you created in another coordinate system, use 2D annotation (note that 2D annotations do not remain anchored for dynamic rotations or transformations).

When you apply user defined bitmaps, the size of the annotation can vary. Use the options menu of the 3D annotation widget to adjust the size and placement of your bitmaps.

You cannot use the "!" and "$" characters in Mechanical APDL text annotation.

The GUI generates this command during 3D annotation operations and inserts the command into the log file (Jobname.LOG). You should NOT type this command directly during a Mechanical APDL session (although the command can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT command).

Menu Paths

Utilty Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotate>Create 3D Annotation