Specifies additive manufacturing result data written to a .txt file.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Result item to output to a tab-delimited .txt file:



Recoater interference. Available in a structural additive manufacturing analysis only.



Layer end temperature. Available in a thermal additive manufacturing analysis only.



High Strain. Available in a structural additive manufacturing analysis only.


Write-control key:



Does not write the specified result item (default).



Writes the specified result item.

Command Default

Result items are not written.


This command controls additive manufacturing result data written to a .txt file. Specifically, AMResults.txt is written for recoater interference and layer end temperature, and AMHighStrain.txt is written for high strains. The specified results are not written to the database results (.RST) file.

Result items written to the .txt file also include node numbers and x, y, z locations.

RINT gives the z-deformation of a layer just before a new layer is applied. This result value can help to determine whether an issue may occur when spreading a new layer.

DTEMP gives the temperature of a layer just before a new layer is applied. This result value can help to identify regions where the build may be overheating that may result in problematic thermal conditions.

HSTN gives the maximum equivalent strain experienced during the build process. This result value can help to identify regions at risk of cracking.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.