11.4. Miscellaneous Graphics Specifications

11.4.1. Reviewing Graphics Control Specifications

Issuing the /PSTATUS command with no arguments lists the current graphics control specifications. To see the graphics specifications for one window only, specify a specific window number (WN).

11.4.2. Restoring Defaults for Graphics Slash Commands

Issue the /RESET command to restore the default settings of /WINDOW, /TYPE, /VIEW, and other graphics "/" commands.

11.4.3. Saving the Display Specifications in a File

Issue the /GSAVE command to store a copy of your graphics "/" command settings in an ASCII text file (default Jobname.GSAV).

11.4.4. Recalling Display Specifications from a File

Read graphics "/" commands from an ASCII text file via the /GRESUME command.

You can also issue an /INPUT,Filename command, where Filename is the name of the file containing the saved graphics specifications.

11.4.5. Pausing the Program

If you prepare an input file for demonstration or presentation purposes, it may be useful to pause the program after creating a display to allow the display to be viewed for a reasonable length of time. You can do so by adding /WAIT commands to your input stream after the display action commands.