16.3. 3D Annotation

3D text and graphics annotations are assigned XYZ coordinates and exist in 3D space. When using 3D annotation, the following anchor locations are available:

  • Nodes

  • Elements

  • Key Points

  • Lines

  • Areas

  • Volumes

  • All

  • At XYZ

  • On View

Because 3D annotation is applied in relation to the XYZ coordinates of the anchor, you can transform your model with the annotation maintaining the spatial relationship with the model. In some cases, changing the perspective or the size of the model changes the apparent relationship between the annotation and the model. The overall 3D dimensions of the model are defined by a bounding box. If portions of your model's bounding box lie outside of the visible area of your graphics window (if you are zoomed in on a specific area of your model), it can affect the placement of your 3D annotations. Zooming out usually overcomes this problem. Unlike 2D annotation, 3D annotation is valid for the global Cartesian (CSYS,0) coordinate system only.

Access 3D annotation functions via the GUI at Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Annotation> Create 3D Annotation.

Every annotation function performed via the GUI places one or more underlying command(s) in the log file, enabling you to accurately reproduce the display if the log file is later submitted for batch input.

The following annotation primitives are available from the 3D annotation dialog box:

  • Text

  • Lines

  • Areas

  • Symbols

  • Arrows

Use the Options setting to copy, move, resize or delete existing annotations.