14.2. Options for Creating Geometric Results Displays

The following commands create geometric results displays in POST1:

Table 14.1: Commands for Creating Geometric Results Displays

PLDISP Display displaced shapes
PLESOL Display contours of results, discontinuous across element boundaries
PLETAB Display contours of element table data
PLLS Display element table items along line elements and 2D axisymmetric shell elements
PLNSOL Display continuous results contours
PLTRAC Display charged particle trace
PLVECT Display solution results as vectors
/REPLOT Re-executes the last display action that executed

In Figure 14.2: A Typical Results Plot, a typical geometric results display (in this example, created with a PLNSOL command) illustrates the kinds of information included in such displays.

Figure 14.2: A Typical Results Plot

A Typical Results Plot