13.17. Example: Sound Far Field from a Piston Using Rayleigh Integral

This example problem demonstrates the use of the Rayleigh integral to predict the sound far field of a piston with infinite baffle. A quarter of the piston is modeled without any acoustic elements under the assumption that the fluid does not influence the structural motion. The radiated sound far field is efficiently computed by the Rayleigh integral during postprocessing.

The material properties of the piston with the radius 0.1 m and thickness 0.01 m are:

Elastic moduli = 210 GPa
Minor Poisson's ratios = 0.28
Mass density = 7800 kg/m3

The acoustic domain is the air with mass density = 1.21 kg/m3 and sound speed = 345 m/s.

For more information, see Acoustic Output Quantities in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.

/batch, list
a=0.1                        ! radius of the piston
d=0.01                       ! thickness of the piston
h=a/5                        ! mesh size
rho=1.21                     ! air mass density
c0=345                       ! sound speed in the air
k=10                         ! wave number
frq=k*c0/(2.*pi)             ! working frequency
omega=2.*pi*frq              ! working angular frequency
vn=-1                        ! normal velocity in z direction
un=-vn/omega                 ! displacement in z direction
et,1,186                     ! structural element
mp,dens,1,7800               ! mass density of the piston
mp,ex,1,2.1e11               ! elastic moduli of the piston 
mp,nuxy,1,.28                ! poison's ratio of the piston
cyl4,0.,0.,0.,0.,a,90,-d     ! 1/4 piston model
vmesh,all                    ! meshing
d,all,uz,0,un                ! imaginary displacement constrain
sf,all,mxwf                  ! flag radiation surface  
antype,harmic                ! define harmonic analysis 
harfrq,frq,frq               ! solving frequency   
nsubst,1                     ! sub-step
solve                        ! solve
hfsym,,shb,shb               ! indicate boundary condition on symm planes
R = 0.05                     ! observation point 
prfar,plat,sumc,0,0,1,0,0,1,R,,,rho,c0    ! amplitude of pressure
prfar,plat,phsc,0,0,1,0,0,1,R,,,rho,c0    ! phase angle of pressure 
prfar,plat,splc,0,0,1,0,0,1,R,,,rho,c0    ! sound pressure level
prfar,plat,pwl,0,0,1,0,0,1,,,,rho,c0      ! radiated sound power level