This example uses FLUID220 elements to demonstrate the simulation of sound characteristics in a one-dimensional domain with the length L by solving the transient Westervelt equation [1].
The initial boundary conditions are:
A pulse source is located at and given by:
where is the pressure amplitude,
is the frequency of the source,
is a time delay,
is a pulse width and
is the end of the pulse.
is the Heaviside step function. The pulse parameters are set to
, and
The fluid material is water with a mass density = 999.6 kg/m3 and speed of sound
= 1481.44 m/s. Water typically has a dimensionless nonlinearity
of about 3.5. In this example, setting
= 10 shortens the shock wave distance by about a factor of 3 to speed
up the computation. The shock wave distance is defined as:
The domain length is set to to ensure the pulse travels 95% of the shock wave distance. The
element size is
and the time step is
/batch /nopr /prep7 ! water property pi=acos(-1) rho0=999.6 c0=1481.44 beta=10 ! pulse parameters P0=1e6 f0=1e5 Td=6/f0 Tw=3/f0 Tend=12/f0 ! computational parameters xsh=rho0*c0**3/(beta*P0*2*pi*f0) L=0.95*xsh+Tend*c0 dx=c0/18/f0 dt=dx/20/c0 ! define element type solving Westervelt equation et,1,220,,9 ! define model material mp,dens,1,rho0 mp,sonc,1,c0 tb,afdm,1,,,mat tbfield,time,0 tbdata,1,rho0,c0,0,0,0,0 tbdata,7,0,0.0,beta ! FEM domain block,0,dx,0,dx,0,L esize,dx type,1 mat,1 vsel,s,loc,z,0,L vmesh,all alls ! pulse source Nt=NINT(Tend/dt)+1 *dim,_pp,TABLE,Nt,1,1,TIME *do,i,0,Nt _pp(i,0,1)=i*dt tt=i*dt *if,_pp(i,0,1),lt,Tend, then pt=P0*sin(2.*pi*f0*(tt-Td))*exp(-4*(tt-Td)**2/Tw**2) _pp(i,1,1)=pt *else _pp(i,1,1)=0.0 *endif *enddo nsel,s,loc,z,0 d,all,pres,%_pp% alls fini /solu eqslv,sparse antype,trans rescontrol,define,all,all outres,all,all time,0.45e-3 deltim,dt solve fini /post1 xsh=0.52 SET,,,1,,0.443e-3, FLST,2,2,1 FITEM,2,node(0,0,xsh) FITEM,2,node(0,0,xsh*1.2) PATH,w15,2,500,300, PPATH,P51X,1 PATH,STAT AVPRIN,0, , PDEF,pp,pres /PBC,PATH, ,0 /show,png PLPATH,pp /show,close Fini