Defining a Task

One or more custom tasks can be defined in the element <tasks>. Each task is defined in a child element <task>. The base <task> class represents an extension-based workflow task that serves as a template from which ACT creates real instances.

In each task definition, you must include the attributes name and version. The following figure maps the task DataSquares to the Workbench interface.


Child elements are used to specify callbacks, inputs and outputs, properties, parameters, context menus, and remote execution. The basic structure of a task definition follows:

	<task name="" caption="" icon="" version="1" enableGenericTransfer="">
			<entry name="" caption="" icon="" priority="" type="">
		<propertygroup name="" caption="">
			<property name="" caption="" control="" default="" options="" readonly="" needupdate="" visible="" persistent="" isparameter="" keytype="" valuetype="" elementtype=""/>
		<property name="" caption="" control="" default="" readonly="" needupdate="" visible="" persistent="" isparameter="" keytype="" valuetype="" elementtype="">
			<parameter name="" caption="" usage="" control="" version="1"/>
			<input type="" count="" format=""/>
			<output type="" format=""/>
		<rsmjob name="" deletefiles="" version="1">
			<inputfile id="1" name=""/>
			<outputfile id="1" name=""/>
				<platform name="" path=""/>
				<argument name="" value="" separator=""/>

Defining Task-Level Attributes

All attributes set on ACT-defined tasks are persisted and resumed within a project.

task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]
task.SetAttributeValue('MyAttribute', 'MyValue')
Save(FilePath=’...’, Overwrite=True)
task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]

Defining Task-Level Data Transfer

ACT provides you with a method of transferring data within the Project Schematic. All tasks contain a transfer object of type GeneralTransfer. This object contains one property, TransferData, of type Dictionary<string, object>. When the type is fully created for each task, ACT automatically exposes the type as an output by default. If you do not want to engage in all transfer possibilities enabled through the transfer, you can declare this at the task level:

<workflow name="MyWorkflow" context="Project" version="1">
    <task name="MyTask" ... enableGenericTransfer="False">

Once a transfer-enabled task exists in the Project Schematic, the transfer data can be accessed to push and pull data within the data store, which is the repository for storing and managing the data used by Ansys services and products.

A simple property TransferData is exposed off of the task argument of all task callbacks or tasks retrieved from ExtAPI or as a callback argument:

def producer_update(task):
    data = task.TransferData

Once obtained, the dictionary TransferData acts like any other dictionary within ACT. You can both set and retrieve values through string keys, and you can perform other collection-based calls such as Add() and Remove(). The custom IDictionary is coded in such a way that if you try to access a non-existent key, such as when setting a new value, it automatically adds the key and allows the set to take place.

task.TransferData["Test"] = "Sample text"

One the consumer side, you can easily access the transfer data:

def consumer_update(task):
    container = task.InternalObject
    upstreamData = container.GetInputDataByType(InputType="GeneralTransfer")
    for upstreamDataEntity in upstreamData:
        task = ACT.GetTaskForContainer(upstreamDataEntity.Container)
        data = task.TransferData["Test"]

The transfer data approach eliminates dependency on file and file path transfers. However, if desired, you can still opt to pass file paths via the new transfer data. No further actions or implementations are required to fulfill the basic framework transfer connections.

Note:  Downstream processing might require additional actions implemented via ACT workflow callbacks.

In some circumstances, you might want to interrogate a task's source tasks. For example, this can ease the access of transfer data from upstream sources. The property SourceTasks is available on all objects of the type UserTask:

def myTaskUpdate(task):
    sources = task.SourceTasks
    for sourceTask in sources:
        data = sourceTask.TransferData[“Test”]

Tasks can filter or block their source connections by implementing a task-level callback canconsumedata.

XML Definition File:

<task name="Consumer"...>

IronPython Script:

def taskCanUse(task, sourceTask):
    if sourceTask.Name == “Foo”:
        return True
        return False

For a list of Ansys-installed tasks that support general data transfer, see Appendix E: Ansys-Installed Custom Workflow Support.

Custom solver-based systems also support this type of data transfer.

Defining Task-Level Data Transfer Access

The properties InputData and OutputData are exposed on the object UserTask. Additionally, UserTask exposes a property TargetTasks that returns all downstream tasks that consume (hold a connection to) the current task.

UserTask InputData

An example follows.

import System

def consumer_update(task):
    upstreamData = task.InputData["MyData"]
    fileRef = None
    upstreamDataCount = upstreamData.Count
    if upstreamDataCount > 0:
        fileRef = upstreamData[0]  
def producer_update(task):
    extensionDir = task.Extension.InstallDir
    activeDir = task.ActiveDirectory
    filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(extensionDir, "Sample_Materials.xml")
    activeFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir, "Sample_Materials.xml")
    if System.IO.File.Exists(activeFilePath) == False:
        System.IO.File.Copy(filePath, activeFilePath)
    fileRef = task.RegisterFile(activeFilePath)
    myData = task.OutputData["MyData"][0]
    myData.TransferFile = fileRef
def mesh_update(task):
    upstreamData = task.InputData["MeshingMesh"]
    meshFileRef = None
    upstreamDataCount = upstreamData.Count
    if upstreamDataCount > 0:
        meshFileRef = upstreamData[0]
    meshOutput = task.OutputData["SimulationGeneratedMesh"][0]
    meshOutput.TransferFile = meshFileRef

Managing Task-Level Files

The class UserTask includes APIs to facilitate easier management of task-level files. The following APIs are available:

UserTask ActiveDirectory Obtains the active design point directory for the task.
RegisteredFiles A collection of all registered files associated with the task.
RegisterFile(filepath) Registers and associates a file with the task.
UnregisterFile(filePath) Unregisters and disassociates a file from the task.
UnregisterFile(filePath, delete) Unregisters and disassociates a file from the task.
UnregisterFile(fileReference) Unregisters and disassociates a file from the task.
UnregisterFile(fileReference, delete) Unregisters and disassociates a file from the task.

A sample implementation of task-level file management capabilities follows.

import System

def update(task):
    activeDir = task.ActiveDirectory
    installDir = task.Extension.InstallDir
    srcImageFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(installDir, 
                        System.IO.Path.Combine("images", "logo-ansys.jpg"))
    destImageFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir, "logo-ansys.jpg")
    System.IO.File.Copy(srcImageFilePath, destImageFilePath)
    ExtAPI.Log.WriteMessage('task "'+task.Name+'" Registered File Count = 

Note:  The UnRegister(...) members fully unregister the files only if they have been associated with the task (through the task.Register(...) members). Otherwise, the files remain registered.

Defining Task-Level Callbacks

Callbacks to IronPython functions are specified in the element <callbacks>. All callbacks receive, at minimum, a task object as an argument. The following table lists the available callbacks and their arguments.

oninitialize task
onupdate task
onrefresh task
onreset task
onedit* task
onstatus** task
onreport*** task, report
ondelete task
canconsumedata sourceTask, targetTask

*Definition of the callback <onedit> automatically creates a default Edit context menu for the task.

**The callback <onstatus> invokes the method status when the application asks the task for its current state. For more information, see Accessing State-Handling APIs.

***The callback <onreport> invokes the method report when you generate a project report. It allows the task to access the report object and add its own task-specific reporting content. For more information, see Accessing Project Reporting APIs.

In the event of task-level callback errors, exceptions are provided to the Workbench framework, allowing the framework to detect failures and correctly manage task states. Exception details are also reported to the log.

Defining Task-Level Context Menus

If you specify the callback <onedit> in the XML file, a default Edit context menu option is automatically created for the task. However, it is possible to define additional interface operations for each task.

Custom interface operations are specified in the optional element <contextmenus>. At minimum, the context menu entry definition must include the attribute name. When the optional attribute type is defined, it must be set to ContextMenuEntry.

Each entry in the element <contextmenus> must have a callback <onclick>, which receives a task object as its argument.

The basic structure of the element <contextmenus> follows.

	<entry name="" caption="" icon="" priority="" type="">

Defining Task-Level Property Groups and Properties

Instead of using parameters to drive your simulation, you can work through the data model, simplifying data access by defining custom properties.

Properties can be defined in the optional element <propertygroup>. At minimum, each property group definition must include the attribute name. The attribute caption is used as the group category name in the Workbench Property pane if the child properties are visible.

A propertie is defined in the element <property>, which can be either a child to the element <propertygroup> or a stand-alone definition at the same level. At minimum, each property definition must include the attributes name and control.

The basic structure of a property definition follows.

<propertygroup name="" caption="">
	<property name="" caption="" control="" default="" readonly="" needupdate="" visible="" persistent="" isparameter="" keytype="" valuetype="" elementtype=""/>
<property name="" caption="" control="" default="" readonly="" needupdate="" visible="" persistent="" isparameter="" keytype="" valuetype="" elementtype=""/>

ACT supports the following property control types:

  • string/text

  • double

  • float

  • integer

  • DataReference

  • boolean

  • object

  • quantity

  • option/select

  • fileopen

  • folderopen

  • list

  • dictionary

  • DataContainerReference

Defining Task-Level Property Callbacks

Callbacks to IronPython functions can be specified in a task-level property definition. All property callbacks receive, at minimum, the entity (task) and property as arguments. Available property callbacks are listed and described.


You can define the callback isvisible on task-exposed properties. This callback can dynamically control whether or not to display a property. You can key off of any desired condition or other task property to determine the property's visibility, returning True or False as a result.

XML Definition File:

<task ...>
    <property name="Input" caption="Input" control="double" .../>
    <property name="HiddenString" caption="Test String" control="string" ...>

IronPython Script:

def stringVisibilityCheck(entity, property):
    inputVal = entity.Properties["Input"]
    if inputVal.Value == 2.0:
        return True
        return False



You can define the callback isvalid on task-exposed properties. This callback can dynamically control whether or not a property is valid. You can key off of any desired condition or other task property to determine the property's validity, returning True or False as a result.

XML Definition File:

<task ...>
    <property name="Input" caption="Input" control="double" default="0.0" readonly="False" needupdate="True" visible="True" persistent="True" isparameter="True">

IronPython Script:

def validityCheck(entity, property):
    if property.Value == 1.0:
        return False
        return True

In the following figure, the property is valid.


In the following figure, the property is invalid.



You can define the callback getvalue, which is invoked when a value is obtained from the command line, a script, or through the project itself.


You can define the callback setvalue, which is called when a value is set from the command line, a script, or through the project itself.


You can define the callback onshow, which is called when the Project page is about to display the property.


You can define the callback onhide, which is called when the Project page is about to hide the property.


You can define the callback oninit, which is called when the property is first created on the task object.

**This is called at the same location as the callback onadd.**


You can define the callback onadd, which is called when the property is first added on the task object.

**This is called at the same location as the callback oninit.**


You can define the callback onremove, which is called when the property is deleted from the task object.


You can define the callback onduplicate, which is called when the property is duplicated to another task.


You can define the callback onactivate, which is called when the property is activated in the user interface.

**This is called at the same location as the callback onshow.**


You can define the callback oncancel, which is called when a property is deactivated.

**This is called at the same location as the callback onhide.**


You can define the callback onapply, which is called immediately after a property value change but before it is actually processed.


You can define the callback value2string, which is called when the property ValueString is retrieved.


You can define the callback string2value, which is called when the property ValueString is set.


You can define the callback onValidate, which is called during a property value change.


As of 17.1, this callback is not supported.

Using Standardized Property Interaction

You can get and set property values using standard ACT syntax, as defined through SimEntity. At the task-level callbacks, the provided task argument provides the entry point:

propA = task.Properties[“PropertyA”].Value
task.Properties[“PropertyA”].Value = “Foo”

Access is available at the master ExtAPI level. Assuming that only one task resides in the Project Schematic:

task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]
propA = task.Properties[“PropertyA”].Value
task.Properties[“PropertyA”].Value = “Foo”

Property groups are treated the same as elsewhere in ACT:

task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]
group1 = task.Properties[“GroupName”]
supProp1 = group1.Properties[“SubPropertyA”]
subProp1Val = subProp1.Value

When you must perform “advanced” Project Schematic interactions, you can access task.InternalObject to receive the task’s underlying DataContainerReference. This might be needed to execute Workbench-specific scripting commands. For more information, see the Workbench Scripting Guide.

task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]
container = task.InternalObject
container.SendCommand(Language=”Python”, Command=”print ‘test’”)

Interactions with Ansys-installed tasks operate in the same way. For example, if you create a Fluent analysis system on the Project Schematic, you could set the property RunParallel as follows:

task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Task[0]
task.Properties[“RunParallel”].Value = True

All "set"-based actions performed via Property.Value calls are recorded in the journal. Using the last example with a Fluent system, the resulting journal would contain the following code:

# encoding:  utf-8
# Release 17.1
template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName=”FLUENT”)
system1 = template1.CreateSystem()
setup1 = system1.GetFluentLauncherSettings()
fluentLauncherSettings1.RunParallel = True

Using Path-Based Property Control Support

You can specify the controls fileopen and folderopen on task properties. On task creation and property display, a folder icon appears in the property value cell. Selecting this icon displays a dialog box for selecting a file or folder. File path and folder path access remains the same as if the property was string-based.

XML Definition File:

<task ...>
    <property name="Prop1" caption="File Path" control="fileopen" .../>
    <property name="Prop2" caption="Directory Path" control="folderopen" .../>

IronPython Script:

def update(task):    
    filePath = task.Properties["Prop1"].Value
    dirPath = task.Properties["Prop2"].Value

Using String-Based and Option-Based Task Properties

For string-based task properties, specify text as the control type.

<task ...>
    <property name="StringTest" caption="String" control="text"...>

For option-based task properties, specify the standard select control type and use the options attribute to provide the items to be populated to the control.

<task ...>
    <property name="ComboBoxTest" caption="My Prop" control="select"...> 
 <attributes options=”one,two,three” .../>

Specifying Property Default Values

In the XML file, you can specify default property values to be used on the Project Schematic.

<task ...>
    <property name="MyProperty" caption=”My Property" control="text" default=”Foo”.../>

Defining Task-Level Parameters

You can integrate an external application into the Project Schematic by defining parameters that are created dynamically at initialization.

Parameters are defined in the optional element <parameters>. At minimum, each parameter definition must include the following attributes: name, usage, control, and version.

The basic structure of a parameter definition follows.

	<parameter name="" caption="" usage="" control="" version="1"/>

Defining Task-Level Inputs and Outputs

In a Workbench workflow, the Project Schematic connections serve as visual representations of data flow between tasks. These connections depend on input and output coordination. Workbench can establish connections only if an upstream (providing) task exposes outputs whose types also match the inputs for a downstream (consuming) task.

Inputs and outputs are defined in elements <input> and <output>.

You can use the attribute type to specify the data type expected by the connection.

By default, ACT applies an unlimited count to the number of input specifications. You can specify a count according to your own requirements:

<task ...>
        <input format="" type="GeneralTransfer" count=2/>

Certain Workbench types require the use of both the attributes type and format. For example, a Mesh task that consumes a mesh and then passes a mesh to another task group would use these attributes to specify the mesh type and file format of the input and output files.

This example defines the inputs and outputs for a task within a Fluent meshing workflow. The meshing-based type values and FluentMesh format values instruct an upstream mesh task to output the Fluent mesh file format (MSH).

<task name="Mesher" caption="Mesher" icon="GenericMesh_cell" version="1">
		<input format="FluentMesh" type="MeshingMesh" count="1"/>
		<output format="FluentMesh" type="SimulationGeneratedMesh"/>

For a list of supported transfer types and their corresponding transfer properties, see Appendix C: Data Transfer Types.

For a list of the data types and data transfer formats for each addin, see Appendix D: Addin Data Types and Data Transfer Formats.

Defining a Remote Job Execution Specification

Ansys Remote Solve Manager (RSM) enables the remote execution of applications and processes. By leveraging high-performance clusters and efficient job scheduling, users submit jobs either as background solve tasks (local machine) or as true remote cluster and scheduler submissions. Workbench orchestrates the packaging, submission, tracking, and reintegration of job artifacts.

ACT enables you to leverage RSM capabilities, specifying the remote execution of a task’s processes via the child element <rsmJob>. This element allows you to specify all relevant RSM-related information, including supported platforms, input and output files, process arguments, and the callbacks needed to execute the remote jobs.

This example shows the basic definition of a remote execution specification. It defines the name and version of the job, specifies that job files should be deleted after execution, and defines job input and output files and callbacks.

<task name="MyTask" caption="My Task" icon="my_task" version="1">
     <rsmjob name="squares" deletefiles="True" version="1">
          <inputfile id="1" name="input1.txt"/>
          <outputfile id="1" name="output1.txt"/>
               <platform name="Win64" path="%AWP_ROOT171%\path_to.exe"/>
               <platform name="Linux64" path="%AWP_ROOT171%/path_to.exe"/>
               <argument name="" value="inputFile:1" separator=""/>
               <argument name="" value="outputFile:1" separator=""/>

For more information about how to access RSM capabilities, see External Application Integration with Custom Data and Remote Job Execution.

Accessing and Invoking Task-Related Workbench Data

From a task, you can access and manipulate objects above the task level, such as container-level commands, Workbench-level components or parameters, and the task-containing task group:

Executing Container-Level Commands on a Task

ACT provides the ability to invoke journaling and scripting-defined, container-level commands on a task. The following API is available:

UserTask ExecuteCommand(commandName, args) Invokes a Project Schematic method defined on the task.

The following code sample shows an implementation of the method ExecuteCommand.

#assume the first task is a mechanical-based system
task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]
task.ExecuteCommand(“Edit”, [])

Accessing Workbench Parameters from a Task

ACT enables you to access task-defined Workbench parameters directly from a task. The following API is available:

UserTask Parameters Obtains the parameters defined on the task.

The following code sample shows an implementation of the method Parameters.

task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]
myParameters = task.Parameters
myParam = myParameters[0]
myParamValue = myParam.Value

Accessing an Ansys-Installed Component from a Task

ACT enables you to access an Ansys-installed component directly from a task. The following API is available:

UserTask Component Obtains the underlying Project Schematic component associated with the task.

The following code sample shows an implementation of the method Component.

#assume the first task is a mechanical-based system
task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]
myTaskComponent = task.Component

Accessing the Owning Task Group from a Task

ACT enables you to access specific TaskGroup instances that have been created on the Project Schematic. Because a task is owned by a TaskGroup, you can access the owning TaskGroup directly from a new Task. The following APIs are available:

Task (UserTask) TaskGroup (UserTaskGroup) Obtains the task’s task group owner.
ExtAPI.DataModel TaskGroups The list of all task groups currently on the Project Schematic.
TaskGroup (UserTaskGroup) Tasks (UserTasks) The list of all tasks owned by the task group.
Name The task group name.
Caption The task group display name.
Category The task group toolbox category.
Abbreviation The task group abbreviation.
IsParametricGroup Indicates whether the task group falls under the Parameter Set bar, operating only on parameter and design point data.
InternalObject (System data reference)