Accessing State-Handling APIs

To control state handling, you can access state values from the Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.State enumeration.

The following table lists state-handling APIs.

Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.StateUpToDateThe task is in an up-to-date state.
RefreshRequiredThe task requires a refresh to continue upstream changes.
OutOfDateThe task is in an out-of-date state. This state is valid only in Mechanical.
UpdateRequiredThe task must be updated.
ModifiedThe task has been modified. This state is valid only in Mechanical.
UnfulfilledTask requirements are unfulfilled.
DisabledThe task is disabled.
ErrorThe task is in error.
EditRequiredData entered for the task is invalid or incomplete and must be modified.
InterruptedProcessing of the task is halted.
UpstreamChangesPendingUpdating of the task cannot be completed until previous tasks are updated.
UnknownThe state of the task could not be determined.

When defining the state callback on tasks, you can return the framework-defined ComponentState instance. However, returning this instance is not recommended unless you must maintain backwards compatibility. Instead, return a two-entry list, where the first entry is an Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.State enumeration value and the second entry is a quick-help string.

import clr
import Ansys.ACT.Interfaces

def status(task):
    if task.Properties['Inputs'].Properties['Input'].Value == 1:
        return [ Ansys.ACT.Interfaces.Common.State.Unfulfilled , 
                 'cannot enter the value of 1' ]
        return None #rely on the default framework-calculated state

When executed, this code sample yields the following result:

In addition, ACT provides a default state handler whenever the task does not provide a callback <onstatus>. When any task property is invalid, ACT instructs the framework to use an unfulfilled state, as shown in the following examples of an XML file and IronPython script.

XML File:

<extension version="1" name="StateValidity">
    <guid shortid="StateValidity">
    <script src="" />
    <interface context="Project">
    <workflow name="MyWorkflow" context="Project" version="1">
            <task name="StateValidity" caption="State Validity" icon="Generic_cell" version="1">
                <property name="Valid" caption="Property Check" control="integer" default="0" readonly="false" needupdate="true" visible="true" persistent="true"   isparameter="true">
                <property name="Input" caption="Input" control="float" default="0.0" readonly="false" needupdate="true" visible="true" persistent="true" isparameter="true" />
                <property name="Output" caption="Output" control="float" default="0.0" readonly="true" visible="true" persistent="true" isparameter="true" />
            <taskgroup name="StateValidity" caption="State Validity" icon="Generic" category="" abbreviation="State" version="1">
                <includeTask name="StateValidity" caption="State Validity"/>

IronPython Script:

import clr
import Ansys.ACT.Interfaces

def update(task):
    activeDir = task.ActiveDirectory
    extensionDir = task.Extension.InstallDir
    exeName = "ExampleAddinExternalSolver.exe"
    solverPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(extensionDir, exeName)
    inputValue = task.Properties["Inputs"].Properties["Input"].Value
    inputFileName = "input.txt"
    outputFileName = "output.txt"
    dpInputFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir, inputFileName)
    dpOutputFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir, outputFileName)
    #write input file
    f = open(dpInputFile, "w")
    exitCode = ExtAPI.ProcessUtils.Start(solverPath, dpInputFile, dpOutputFile)
    if exitCode != 0:
        raise Exception ('External solver failed!')
    #read output file
    outputValue = None
    f = open(dpOutputFile, "r")
    currLine = f.readline()
    while currLine != "":
        valuePair = currLine.split('=')
        outputValue = System.Double.Parse(valuePair[1],System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)
        currLine = f.readline()
    if outputValue == None:
        raise Exception("Error in update - no output value detected!")
        task.Properties["Output"].Value = outputValue
def reset(task):
    task.Properties["Input"].Value = 0
    task.Properties["Output"].Value = 0
def valid(entity, property):
    if property.Value == 1:
        return False
        return True
