
The lay-up mapping algorithm in ACP (Pre) is currently designed for structured meshes where degenerated elements can be filled with an orthotropic material. Therefore, the solid mesh that gets lay-up data from ACP (Pre) should mainly consist of structured elements (hex) which support layered section data. In this example, it is the solid Tube.

The mesh of the inner body, the Roving, must meet fewer requirements because the filler option will be used in ACP (Pre) to assign the UD material to this body. The elements, then, are handled as homogeneous elements instead of layered elements which relaxes the requirements on the mesh. The figure below shows the mesh of the solid geometry with a mapped mesh in the outer region (Tube).

Figure 4.34: Detail View of the Final Solid Mesh with Hex Elements only in the Outer Body

Detail View of the Final Solid Mesh with Hex Elements only in the Outer Body