
The layout of the GUI is managed through the View menu.

Figure 1.6: View Menu

View Menu Perspectives

The Perspectives submenu allows you to manage different interface layouts:

Perspective: Activate a named Perspective. Available perspectives appear in a list in the drop-down menu.
New Perspective: Create a new Perspective.
Save Perspective As: Save the current interface layout into a new Perspective.
Rename Perspective: Modify the name of the active Perspective.
Delete Perspective: Delete the active Perspective.
Reset Perspective: Reset the active Perspective to an empty Perspective.
Reset All Perspectives: Reset all defined Perspectives.

Figure 1.7: Perspective Submenu

Perspective Submenu View Manager

Interface elements can be added or removed from a Perspective by clicking Other... to bring up the View Manager. To activate a View, select it in the View Manager and click OK. The selected View appears in the View menu for the selected perspective. Views present in the Perspective can be activated or deactivated through the View menu.

Figure 1.8: Show View

Show View