Parametrization of the Hill Yield Criterion

Two different parametrizations of the Hill yield criterion with respect to the principal values of the orientation tensor are available: Phenomenological Parametrization

Following [Launay 2013], we adopt the following phenomenological parametrization of the Hill yield criterion:



  • denotes the i-th eigenvalue of the second order fiber orientation tensor

  • is a parameter describing the sensitivity of the yield criterion to the orientation distribution

  • is a regularization parameter.

Note that the regularization term was not present in the original model by [Launay 2013], in which case no plastic flow can develop along the fiber direction of a unidirectionally aligned composite– that is, for . Since this assumption does not hold for short fiber reinforced composites, the term is added here, where the constant


depends on the volume fraction and the aspect ratio of the fibers.

The directional yield ratios then read


Some comments are in order:

  • The yield ratios in shear direction are independent of the fiber orientation.

  • For , which is in the limit of high fiber volume fraction and/or high fiber aspect ratio, the expression for the yield ratios in normal direction reduces to the original one in [Launay 2013]. See the figure below.

  • For , it reduces to the von Mises Yield criterion.

  • For a generic and a completely random fiber orientation distribution up to a scaling factor, it reduces to the von Mises criterion in the limit of .

Figure 3.2: Effect of the aspect ratio, fiber volume fraction, and orientation sensitivity parameter on the yield ratio in normal direction

Effect of the aspect ratio, fiber volume fraction, and orientation sensitivity parameter on the yield ratio in normal direction Parametrization Based on Orientation Averaging

Assume that the Hill yield strength of a unidirectional short fiber composite is known. To predict the strength of a composite with arbitrary fiber orientations, we can follow an approach similar to that used for the homogenization of linear elastic properties.

Let denote the Hill strength tensor of a unidirectional composite with inclusions aligned along the direction . Following [Van Hattum et al., 1999], we rewrite the yield criterion (Equation 3–59 to Equation 3–61) in strain space:


where and is the stiffness tensor of the unidirectional composite. The strength properties of a composite with arbitrary fiber orientations are computed as an average of unidirectional composite properties over all directions, weighted by the orientation distribution function


The tensor admits the same representation as in Equation 3–5 and can be easily computed in terms of the second and fourth-order fiber orientation tensors. The final orientation averaged yield strength tensor (in stress form) is obtained as


This procedure relies on the assumption of knowing the strength of the unidirectional composite. In such case, the Hill yield tensor is transversely isotropic and only depends on three independent parameters: the yield stress in the longitudinal and transverse directions ( and , respectively), and the longitudinal shear stress . For instance, for a unidirectional composite with fibers aligned along the material 1 direction, the yield stresses in Equation 3–64 are given by


The values of , , and can be, for instance, predicted from micro-mechanical considerations (see for example [Van Hattum et al., 1999]. In Material Designer, they are reverse-engineered from experimental stress-strain curves as described in Hill Yield Criterion.