2.1.3. Random UD Composite

Random unidirectional composites consist of fibers with random variation in the orientation direction, surrounded by a matrix material.

Figure 2.5: Random Unidirectional Composite Geometry Options

Random Unidirectional Composite Geometry Options

  • Fiber Volume Fraction: The fraction of space within the RVE that the fiber material occupies.

  • Seed: The seed number against which the random fiber directions are generated.

  • Mean angle of misalignment: The mean of the angles between the fiber direction and the X-Axis.

  • Fiber Diameter: The diameter of the individual fibers in the active unit system.

  • Repeat Count: Represents roughly the number of fibers that are in the Y- or Z-directions if the fibers were arranged in a regular pattern.

  • Algorithm: The algorithm used to generate the RVE geometry.

    • Sequential Addition: Fibers are added one after each other.

    • Perturbation (high fiber volume fraction): Start from a regular pattern and perturb the fibers.

    Note:   The higher the fiber volume fraction and the mean misalignment angle, the more difficult it is to generate the RVE. In fact, it is infeasible at some point.

    We recommend that you use the Perturbation algorithm for high values of the fiber volume fraction.