File Formats

This section references the file formats compatible with Sound: Analysis and Specification.

Input File Formats

Input formats


WAV (*.wav)

Waveform Audio File Format for the storage of raw and uncompressed audio.

Note that Sound: Analysis and Specification can open standard WAV files but also proprietary Sound: Analysis and Specification WAV files, (some) LMS WAV files and OROS WAV files.

DEWESOFT (*.d7d)

Audio file produced by an acquisition front-end of the DEWESOFT company.

DEWESOFT (*.dxd)

Audio file produced by an acquisition front-end of the DEWESOFT company.

Time-frequency (*.tf)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for Time-frequency representation storage.

Spectrum (*.spectre)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for spectrum storage.

Note: .spectre files saved in versions 2022 R2 or higher cannot be opened in versions previous to 2022 R2.

Spectrum (*.xml)

Spectrum file coming from Ansys Mechanical simulation.

*.UFF, *.UNV

The Universal File Format as specified by SDRL ( Only UFF types 58 and 58b are supported. Additionally, Sound: Analysis and Specification only supports the following settings:

  • Record 6 Field 1 (DOF Identification Function Type) must be set to either 0 (General or Unknown) or 1 (Time Response)
  • Record 7 Field 3 (Abscissa Spacing) must be set to 1 (even)

Time sample (*.txt, *.csv)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for time samples. File with a specific header and including 1 to n columns.

Time sample (*.out)

The following features of Sound: Analysis and Specification support files with the extension .out created by Ansys Fluent which contain samples vs. time:

Frequency response (*.txt, *.csv)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for frequency response.

This file contains the frequency and amplitude of a frequency response.

It must include:

  • on line 1, the header AnsysSound_FRF 1
  • on lines 2 to N, 2 columns:
    • the first column is Frequency in Hertz,
    • the second column is gain in dB.

Harmonics (orders)

(*.txt, *.csv)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for level of orders vs rpm. File with a specific header.

Harmonics (orders)


The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for level of orders.

Harmonics (orders)


Harmonics file coming from Ansys Mechanical simulation.

Spectrum (*.txt, *.csv)

(For Sound Synthesis, see Sound Creation from Spectrum, Sound Composer Source Types, and Source Formats)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for spectrum. File with a specific header and including 2 columns: Frequency (in Hz) and amplitude (in dB).

Spectrum from Ansys Mechanical (*.txt) The following file formats are produced by Ansys Mechanical when exporting single or multiple spectra, and are supported by Ansys Sound: Analysis and Specification when opening as a spectrum:
  • A simple text file with two columns (frequency, amplitude), with a title at the top of each column.

  • A text file with line numbers in the first column. When opening this file as a spectrum the column of line numbers will be ignored.

  • A text file with multiple columns. When opening as a spectrum, each column is considered as a single spectrum.

  • A complex text file with multiple columns, line numbers, irregularly-spaced frequency vector, and missing data. When opening, the column of line numbers will be ignored, and the frequencies will be interpolated to create regular spacing.

Tip: For more details on the text files supported as Sources in the Sound Composer, see Source Formats.

Output File Formats

Output file formats



Microsoft Word document


Microsoft Excel document


Text file (human readable)


Text file (human readable)

Sound: Analysis and Specification WAV (*.wav)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification WAV proprietary format saves a file into a WAV file, including specific proprietary information (calibration channel name, physical unit, etc.).

The format supports the following bit depth settings:

  • 8 bit
  • 16 bit
  • 32 bit (int)
  • 32 bit (float)

The bit depth settings can be set in the Preferences window of the File menu.

WAV (*.wav)

The WAV format saves a file without the specific proprietary information of Sound: Analysis and Specification WAV format, but a normalization value is required. The normalization value is used to normalize the signal between -1 and 1. Every value outside this range will be clipped after the normalization.

The format supports the following bit depth settings:

  • 8 bit
  • 16 bit
  • 32 bit (int)
  • 32 bit (float)

The bit depth settings can be set in the Preferences window of the File menu.

*.UFF, *.UNV

The Universal File Format as specified by SDRL ( Only UFF types 58 and 58b are supported.

Time-frequency (*.tf)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for time-frequency representation storage.

Selection (*.sel)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for selection made in time-frequency representation.

Spectrum (*.spectre)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for spectrum representation storage.

Order (*.ord)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for orders.

Sound Composer Project (*.scn)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for Sound Composer Projects.

Source in Sound Composer projects (*.src)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for sources in Sound Composer Projects.

Track in Sound Composer projects (*.trk)

The Sound: Analysis and Specification proprietary format for tracks in Sound Composer Projects.