Semantic Differential

The Semantic Differential method allows the participant to evaluate several sounds features and characteristics at once.

In this method the participants have to rate several sounds one by one, over different scales. Sound characteristics are featured on several scales. It can be seen as a "multiple" Direct Scaling method. For example, Listen and rate your perception of the sound over the five scales.

Note: Sounds are presented in a random order to each listener and can be repeated once or several times. Repeated sounds are never presented directly after their first presentations.

Listening test

Each listener has to:

  1. Listen to each presented sound.

  2. Rate it on the proposed scales.

  3. Validate the rating.

    Note: A Listener cannot validate before having listened to the sound entirely, and before having changed the default rating at least once. For more information, see the Setup instructions on the General Conduction parameters.