Creating the Instructions Sheet

The Instructions allow to presents the context of the listening test, to the participants, and clearly describe the task that they are asked to fulfill during the listening test. Before starting the listening test, the operator will print out these instructions sheet and gives them to each participant. This ensures that all the participants have the same information before starting the test.

Note: The instructions sheet is specific to each Method.

To Create the Instructions Sheet:

Note: This task should be conducted by the Project Manager.
  1. In the Navigation panel, choose Instructions sheet.
  2. In the edition area, describe the tasks that the participant has to perform during the listening test.

    For example:

    Please read the following instructions carefully.

    You are going to participate in a listening test which aims to study the acoustic comfort in trains.

    During this test, you will listen to different sound ambiances inside train passenger cars.

    For each sound, your task will be to evaluate the acoustic comfort on the given scale. The scale has 5 levels starting from "Bad" (1) to "Excellent" (5).

    For each sound, imagine you are in a real train passenger car and rate the acoustic comfort on the scale. Then, click "Next" to evaluate the next sound.

    The test includes a training phase which helps you to get familiar with the scale and the task. After the training, the real listening test starts.

    The test lasts around 20 minutes.

    Do your best to evaluate the set of sounds. Since we are studying perception, there is no right or wrong answer; only your opinion matters.

    Before you start the test, make sure you are comfortably installed at the listening position and that you have read and understood all the instructions. If you have any questions, please call the experimenter.

    Good luck and thank you for your cooperation.

  3. Format the text using the edition tools.

The instructions sheet is created.

Tip: Now, you can print the instructions sheet.