You can use this repair feature to remove spikes from the model. A typical spike is shown below.

Fault Finding Criteria
DesignModeler uses the maximum width of the narrow region of the face edge set as the criteria to search for spikes in the model. The edge set whose maximum width lies between the minimum and maximum limit is determined to be a fault.
Note: The edge set which satisfies the spike search criteria for a width is not necessarily detected as spike for larger width. Start with the smaller width to remove the spike for the width, and then create another feature with a larger width to detect larger spikes.
Methods Available
Automatic: First, a Face Merge method is used to fix the fault. The narrow region of spike face is chopped and merged with one of the adjacent faces. If this method fails, an alternative approach is used to fix the chopped face. If this method also fails and the body is a Surface body then the Edge Delete method is attempted. In this approach, the narrow edges of spike face will be deleted using the Edge Delete method.
Example 92: Using Repair Spikes Function
The results are shown of the case mentioned above in the figure shown below after applying the Generate option. In this case, as there was not merging face so an alternative approach is used to fix the fault.

Other Repair types: