You can use this feature to repair very small angles in a face.
Fault Finding Criteria
DesignModeler uses the interior angle formed by connected edge pair of the face as the criteria to search for sharp angles in the model. A connected edge pair whose interior angle lies between the minimum and maximum limit is determined to be a fault.
Methods Available
Face Merge: The sharp angle face will be merged with one or more adjacent faces, so that overall angle increases. Ansys DesignModeler automatically suggests one adjacent face for merging. You can change this selection if required. However, a face needs to be specified for the operation to be successful. Note, while manually selecting faces for the face merge operation, you can select only those faces that use the vertices of the face or the adjacent to the face.
Example 90: Using Repair Sharp Angles Function
Consider the case shown below for sharp angle

Suggested merging face is shown below in figure.

The face will be merged with sharp angle face and the result highlight will be as shown below.

Other Repair types: