You can use this repair feature in surface bodies only. This will remove seams from the model. Ansys DesignModeler generally defines a seam as a set of connected laminar edges separated along their length by small gap. A typical seam is shown below.

Fault Finding Criteria
DesignModeler uses the maximum width of gap along length between connected laminar edges as the criteria to search for seams in the model. The set of connected laminar edges whose maximum width lies between the minimum and maximum limit is determined to be a fault.
Methods Available
Automatic: If all the edges belong to one face then Edge Delete method is used to fix the fault. In this approach, edges that form the seam will be deleted and the gaps will be closed by extending the surface. Else Edge Connect method is used.
Results are shown of the case mentioned above in the figure shown below, after applying the Generate option. Because all the edges in the seams are not from same face, the Edge Connect method is used to fix the fault.

Note: The seam width of the fault that is an approximate calculation and is dependent on the shape of the seam and the Maximum Seam Width criteria that is provided to perform the search. So, it is recommended that you try higher and lower ranges of width criteria while searching for Seams. The accuracy of the Seam Width calculation is less accurate when you specify a large Maximum Width criteria for the search and for Seams that are too wide.
Other Repair types: