SpaceClaim Associative Plug-In

The SpaceClaim geometry interface supports SpaceClaim Engineer, and with SpaceClaim Direct Modeler on the Windows 64-bit operating system.

See Product & CAD Configuration Manager for usage information.

For detailed installation information about the Product & CAD Configuration Manager, see:


At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux and Windows platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support.

For information about post-release CAD system compatibility with Ansys Workbench, see the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.

Document import supported by interface: Part (*.scdoc)

Table 25: Import Preference Support for SpaceClaim Geometry Interface

Import SolidsYes
Import SurfacesYes
Import LinesYes
Parameter Processing and prefix/suffix keyYes
Attribute Processing and prefixNo
Named Selection Processing and prefixYes
Material ProcessingYes
Analysis Type
3D - Yes
2D - Yes
Coordinate SystemsYes
Work PointsNo
Reader Save FileNo
InstancingYes — Workbench supports instances among parts that are represented by proper rigid transformations; that is, transformations which preserve the size, shape, and handedness of the part. Reflective or mirrored transformations are not supported.
Smart UpdateYes
Enclosure and Symmetry ProcessingYes (See Caveats and Known Issues section below)
Mixed Import ResolutionYes
Decompose Disjoint GeometryNo

Caveats and Known Issues

Enclosure and Symmetry Processing  —  In SpaceClaim you can create volume extraction bodies and enclosure bodies. These are transferred independent of the "Enclosure and Symmetry Processing" setting. If you do not want them to be transferred, you can hide them in SpaceClaim.

Instancing Support  —  While SpaceClaim supports transformations of reflected or mirrored geometry, Ansys Workbench does not support it. The user is advised to remove the instancing relationships among reflected components in SpaceClaim before the geometry is imported in Ansys Workbench.