The interface works in both a plug-in and a Pseudo-Reader mode. Both part and assembly document import is supported.
Solid Edge based on registry entries recognizes the existence of the plug-in. After opening a document in Solid Edge, if the Ansys (version specific) menu is not displayed in the Solid Edge menu bar, check if Ansys(version specific) is listed in the list box of the Add-in Manager dialog box ( ). If it is listed but not checked, check the box in front of it and click . If it is not listed, run the Product & CAD Configuration Manager with Solid Edge selected for configuration.
See Product & CAD Configuration Manager for usage information.
For detailed installation information about the Product & CAD Configuration Manager, see:
Windows: Configuring CAD Products> Using the CAD Configuration Manager in the Ansys, Inc. Windows Installation Guide. |
At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux and Windows platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support.
The Ansys Solid Edge interface supports Solid Edge part, assembly and sheet metal, both in traditional and synchronous formats, and traditional weldment documents.
For information about post-release CAD system compatibility with Ansys Workbench, see the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.
Document import supported by interface: *.par, *.asm, *.psm, *.pwd,
Table 22: Import Preference Support for Solid Edge Geometry Interface
Import Solids | Yes | ||
Import Surfaces | Yes | ||
Import Lines | Yes | ||
Parameter Processing and prefix/suffix key | Yes | ||
Attribute Processing and prefix |
| ||
Named Selection Processing and prefix |
| ||
Material Processing | Yes | ||
Analysis Type |
| ||
Associativity | Yes | ||
Coordinate Systems | Yes | ||
Work Points | No | ||
Reader Save File | No | ||
Instancing | Yes | ||
Smart Update | Yes | ||
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing | No | ||
Mixed Import Resolution | Yes | ||
Decompose Disjoint Geometry | No |
Closed Surface — A closed surface body will be imported as a solid body since Solid Edge considers this body as a solid.
Interpart Copies — The interpart copies of a part should be hidden in the part level to avoid importing it in the assembly.
Line Body Types — The following feature types can be imported from Solid Edge into Ansys Workbench as line bodies:
Key Point Curves
Curve by Tables
Project Curves
Derived Curves
Cross Curves
Copy Construction Curves
Contour Curves
Simplified Model — For a part that has a simplified model (if the model is displayed in Solid Edge), you will need to have the Simplify menu displayed to get the simplified model in the AnsysMechanical application.
Parameters — Parameters have limited precision associated with Solid Edge models. By default, Solid Edge only shows two digits of precision past the decimal point. Therefore when you input 41.012 for example, and refresh, the precision value will appear in Ansys Workbench to be 41.01 after the update completes. If you increase the display precision in Solid Edge, you will then see the more precise parameter values in Ansys Workbench.
Selection Filter Toolbar — A toolbar named "Ansys Selection Filter" is available in Solid Edge to pick entities like vertex, edge and face for Name Selection creation. This toolbar becomes active only when the Named Selection Manager dialog is open.
Using Named Selection — After the Named Selection dialog box is launched from the Ansys toolbar, the Ansys selection filter bar will be activated. First select a filter, for example face filter, then select the faces with the shift key pressed. Click the Create button to finish creating a Named Selection with the selected faces. To modify a Named Selection, start by selecting it from the list and highlight it by clicking the Select button. Shift + click to add to or right-click to remove from the selected faces. Click the Replace button to complete the modification.
Specific to Ansys DesignModeler
When importing a Solid Edge assembly, make sure that no two components use the same component name. This will result in the second component being displayed on top of the first.
Part documents should contain only one body, otherwise a duplicate set of parameters and variables may be imported.
When the attributes flag is on and the DDM prefix is specified, attributes are created for each entity to allow import of motion loads.
Specific to the Mechanical application
All multi-solid-body components created in Solid Edge will be transferred to the Ansys Mechanical application as a single part containing multiple bodies.
The Part length unit within the Ansys Mechanical application is meters independent of the unit system displayed in Solid Edge. The Length Unit displayed under Details of Geometry in the Ansys Mechanical application cannot be changed.
To import motion loads from Solid Edge models to the Ansys Mechanical application, you will need to use the motion load files generated from the same version of Solid Edge that you are running. If the load files were generated from a different version of Solid Edge, the loads will not be imported properly. When the attributes flag is on and the DDM prefix is specified, attributes are created for each entity to allow import of motion loads.
Active Document — If more than one document is open in Solid Edge, the top-most document, which is the active document, will be picked by the interface as the active document.
Import Solid Edge Construction Objects Control — The Solid Edge geometry interface does not import construction objects by default. The import of construction objects can be enabled by the ANS_SE_IMPORT_CONSTRUCTION_OBJECTS environment variable. Possible values are:
0: Do not import construction objects |
1: Import construction solids + surfaces + wires |
2: Import construction solids + surfaces only |
3: Import construction solids + wires only |
4: Import construction surfaces + wires only |
5: Import construction solids only |
6: Import construction surfaces only |
7: Import construction wires only |
Note that this environment variable may get removed entirely or replaced by a more user-friendly variation in a future release.
Large Model — The import of large Solid Edge models with a maximum length over 1 kilometer cannot be imported due to Parasolid precision, that is, all parts of a body must lie inside the Parasolid size box. This box is 1000 units on each side and is centered at the origin. It represents the whole of the model space.
Multiple Named Selection Filter Menu After Changing Ansys Language — After language setting is changed in Ansys, multiple menu for the named selection may appear in the Solid Edge Ansys Toolbar. To fix the problem unconfigure the plug-in using Product & CAD Configuration Manager (CCM) and open Solid Edge files one of each type, such as part (*.prt), assembly (*.asm), sheet metal (*.psm) and weldment (*.pwd). Close Solid Edge and reconfigure using Product & CAD Configuration Manager to fix the issue.
Plug-In Availability Considerations — Due to the architecture of the CAD's Add-In manager, the Solid Edge geometry interface will automatically load into the Solid Edge sessions of all users when any administrative user has configured the geometry interface only to be available for their account. This is the case even when the user has not configured the geometry interface for himself/herself and a global configuration has not been performed to enable the plug-in to run for all users. When encountering such a state it may be possible to import geometry from an active Solid Edge session, but any attempts to attach or refresh geometry without Solid Edge running will fail.
When the Solid Edge plug-in is configured as part of a network install (see Using the CAD Configuration Manager) unconfiguring it on the local, client machine will (a) remove the Ansys menu from Solid Edge, and (b) disable the ability to import geometry from an active Solid Edge session. However, import of Solid Edge models when the CAD is not active may continue to work until the interface is unconfigured on the server machine.
Unlocked Parameters for Synchronous Features — The parameters created during synchronous modeling are not locked by default. As a result the geometry cannot be modified by changing the unlocked parameters. For the same reason, any parametric modification from Ansys would fail to generate. To fix this problem, hold the cursor on the unlocked parameter label in Solid Edge and click the lock icon on the dialog box that pops up. Alternatively, the lock status can be modified from the Solid Edge Tools > Variables list. After locking the parameter, the geometry can be modified by changing it and can be driven by parametric update from Ansys.
Solid Edge Part Name. — The Solid Edge plug-in uses the part name as the identifier for the associativity mechanism to work. Renaming the part after import may break the associativity. The part can be renamed in Solid Edge and refreshed to reflect the changes.
See the Solid Edge Errors Related to CAD Integration section in CAD Integration Troubleshooting for detailed information.