Fusion (*.f3d, *.f3z)

The interface works in both a Plug-in and a Pseudo-Reader mode.

As shown in Table 13 below, some features are currently unsupported, but over time these features will be implemented.


Use of Fusion requires the installation of the Autodesk license.


At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux and Windows platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support.

For information about post-release CAD system compatibility with Ansys Workbench, see the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.

Table 13: Import Preference Support for Fusion Geometry Interface

Import SolidsYes
Import SurfacesYes
Import LinesNo
Parameter Processing and prefix/suffix keyYes
Attribute Processing and prefixYes
Named Selection Processing and prefixYes
Material ProcessingYes
Analysis Type
3D - Yes
2D - Yes
Coordinate SystemsNo
Work PointsYes
Reader Save FileNo
Smart UpdateNo
Enclosure and Symmetry ProcessingNo
Mixed Import ResolutionYes - for parts that include both Solid and surface bodies AND the Import Solid and Import Surface preferences are set to Yes
Decompose Disjoint GeometryNo
Import Facet QualityYes


Occurrences, body folders, and individual bodies that are hidden in Autodesk Fusion are automatically excluded from import.

Caveats and Known Issues

Refreshing Local Documents  —  If Fusion is restarted after attaching a local document in Plug-in mode (not Pseudo-Reader mode), any attempts to refresh the geometry will produce a "Failed to find requested offline document" error. This happens because the geometry source in Workbench is no longer valid. The issue can be fixed by simply replacing the geometry source, and it can be avoided entirely by using online documents rather than local ones.

Works Points Import Recommendation  —  Work points (called "construction points" in Fusion) are imported under the same assembly/part that they are stored under in the Fusion Browser, not the part whose geometry they are attached to. Work points stored under an assembly/part which is not imported will be imported under the root assembly instead, but these are not visible in Mechanical. Because of this, the recommendation is to move the construction points to the same component/occurrence that they are attached to.


Due to a third party conflict between Ansys and Fusion, the 2025 R1 version of the Ansys plug-in may not load on your machine. This issue affects import from both open sessions of Fusion, and using pseudo-reader mode. We are actively investigating the matter and plan to provide a correction in an upcoming service pack of 2025 R1. In the meantime, if you experience this issue, please contact customer support to inquire about updates and workarounds.

The following limitation is specific to the Ansys 2025 R1 and 2024 R2 Associative Geometry Interfaces to Fusion. There is a known library conflict with earlier releases of this Plug-In, which will cause Fusion to crash when attempting to load the 2025 R1 Ansys Plug-In when a previous release of the Plug-In is configured to load into Fusion.

Use the following procedure to enable these versions to be loaded side-by-side in Fusion.

  1. Unconfigure all versions of Ansys Fusion Add-In using the CAD Configuration Manager

  2. One-by-one configure all desired versions of the Ansys Fusion Add-In except 2025 R1.

  3. Open Fusion >> Utilities >> Add-Ins. Select the Add-Ins tab, pick each DSPlugInAFCOM and uncheck the box: "Run on Startup". Close Fusion.

  4. Use CAD Configuration Manager 2025 R1 to configure Fusion.

  5. Start Fusion. Open the Add-In's manager as before, select any version of the plug-in not loaded on Startup and click Run.


No known issues have been identified in the CAD Integration Troubleshooting section.