A material particle’s initial position is tracked according to
(29–5) |
where is the initial position of the material particle (that is, the
original position before deformation occurs). When the material points postprocessor
is used, Ansys Polyflow Classic will keep track of the initial position of each material
point, as well as the final position of that same material point. This allows you,
for example, to determine the source on the parison of a flaw that occurs at a
particular location on the final product. This post-processor is valid for transient
cases defined on a material volume, i.e. without entry and exit.
Figure 29.2: Contour Lines of the Initial y Position shows the
results for a time-dependent blow molding problem. In the graphical post-processing,
you can select contour lines of one of the components of . Figure 29.2: Contour Lines of the Initial y Position shows contour lines of initial
positions. These lines correspond to initially horizontal material
Since Equation 29–5 is a hyperbolic equation, the material points
postprocessor uses the 4 4 subelement technique in 2D and the 2
2 subelement technique in 3D.