28.2.1. Equations

Time-dependent flow problems are governed by the following set of ordinary differential equations:


which is subject to initial conditions of the type


is the vector of nodal unknowns such as velocity, pressure, temperature, viscoelastic extra stresses, and free surface location. The symbol denotes the time-derivative of . The matrices and are the mass and stiffness matrices, which may depend on the unknown vector . The vector corresponds to the volumetric forcing function and the natural boundary conditions.

The above equations are solved in Ansys Polyflow Classic by means of a parabolic time-stepping procedure. Instead of trying to satisfy Equation 28–1 at an arbitrary time , Ansys Polyflow Classic will calculate a solution of Equation 28–1 at a discrete set of times , defined by



where the subscript refers to the time step.

From Equation 28–1, the time derivative can be obtained. Consider the function :


An approximation of is created using the formula


Also, using the first-order discretization of the first derivative


results in


Different values of result in different integration methods with different accuracy and stability attributes.