27.4.2. Determining an Appropriate Evolution Parameter

The key to the evolution procedure is to identify the parameters governing the nonlinearity of the problem. Possible choices include the following:

  • density in problems with inertia

  • flow rate in a viscoelastic flow

  • relaxation time in a viscoelastic flow

  • moving boundaries

  • power index for a power law fluid

  • parameter for the temperature dependence of the viscosity

  • heat conductivity in a heat transfer problem

  • viscous and wall friction heating

  • slip coefficient for an extrusion process

  • surface tension in a free surface problem

Before starting an Ansys Polydata session, you should decide which material parameters or boundary conditions will be governed by evolution. These parameters and boundary conditions may concern different sub-tasks, though the evolution in (for example, , , , the number of iterations, and other numerical parameters) is a global task attribute. A list of suggested evolution parameters for various types of problems is given in Table 27.1: Suggestions for Evolution Parameters.

To determine which parameter should be governed by evolution, try increasing (or decreasing) one parameter by a factor of 10 (for example, decrease flow rate, increase the power law index, etc.). Do this until you are able to get the problem to converge (this may require modifying more than one parameter).

Table 27.1: Suggestions for Evolution Parameters

Problem Evolution Parameter
Large viscous and wall friction heating dissipationFlowrate
Power law index less than , or Picard scheme
Bird-Carreau, low index

or , or Picard scheme

Differential viscoelastic fluid Flowrate or relaxation time
3D free surface without surface tension (extrusion and coextrusion) Evolution on moving boundaries; alternatively, evolution on the slip coefficient
Free surface with surface tension (straight free surface is acceptable) Surface tension coefficient ; use quadratic coordinates
Free surface with surface tension (recirculations present on the free surface) Switch to time-dependent mode; use quadratic coordinates
Moving contact point Surface tension coefficient
Natural convection, low conductivity

Thermal conductivity or gravity

Large Péclet number (low conductivity) with temperature dependence of the viscosity Flowrate or thermal conductivity
Integral viscoelastic problem Evolutive viscosity
Radiation Reference temperature
Forced convection or inertia

Flowrate or density

Strong temperature dependence of viscosity or
Interface between two fluids, large , with fixed so that increases with
Fiber spinning Evolution on the pulling velocity
Extrusion with intense cooling Heat transfer coefficient

Now that you have determined the parameter that is causing your problem to fail to converge, you should define an evolution problem on that parameter. To do this, you will assign a value, , and a function of , to this parameter, and select an interval of , , so that

  • in the problem you want to solve, this parameter has value

  • when the parameter is given the value , a solution can be obtained