21.2.3. Energy Equation

For nonisothermal flow problems, you can specify that Polyflow Classic solves a heat conduction problem for the moving part in order to generate the thermal boundary conditions (alternatively, you can impose a fixed temperature distribution, as described in step 5.f. of Setting Up Your Problem in Ansys Polydata). When solving the heat conduction problem, the energy equation is modified to be


where is the fluid density
  is the fluid heat capacity
  is the fluid heat source
  is the fluid thermal conductivity
  is the density of the moving part
  is the heat capacity of the moving part
  is the heat source of the moving part
  is the thermal conductivity of the moving part

Equation 21–5 is discretized for each node of the temperature field. For each node (at location ), if it is outside the moving part, the step function is equal to and the energy equation with the fluid parameters if used. Otherwise, is equal to and the energy equation with the moving part parameters is used.