After determining the important features of the problem you want to solve, perform the following basic procedural steps:
Create the model geometry and mesh, using a CAD/CAE package and/or mesh preprocessor.
Start Ansys Polydata.
If necessary, convert the mesh file.
Read the mesh file into Ansys Polydata.
Define the physical models and, if appropriate, time dependence or evolution by specifying a task and a sub-task (described in Tasks and Sub-Tasks).
Specify the material properties.
Specify the boundary and process conditions.
Define the remeshing (for moving boundary problems only).
Create another sub-task, if necessary, and define the appropriate parameters as described above for the first sub-task.
Assign the field parameters (stream function and/or pressure).
Create another task, if necessary, and set the appropriate parameters as described above for the first task.
Specify the output format for the results, if different from the default postprocessor, CFD-Post.
Save the data file and exit from Ansys Polydata.
Calculate a solution with Ansys Polyflow Classic, using the data file as input.
Examine the results, using CFD-Post or another graphical postprocessor.
If necessary, consider revisions to the numerical or physical model.