1.4.1. Planning Your Ansys Polyflow Classic Analysis

When you are planning to solve a problem using Ansys Polyflow Classic, you should first give consideration to the following issues:

  • Definition of the modeling goals: What specific results are required from the CFD model and how will they be used? What degree of accuracy is required from the model?

  • Choice of the computational model: How will you isolate a piece of the complete physical system to be modeled? Where will the computational domain begin and end? What boundary conditions will be used at the boundaries of the model? Can the problem be modeled in two dimensions, or is a 3-dimensional or 2.5-dimensional model required?

  • Choice of physical models: Is the flow steady or unsteady? Is heat transfer important? Are there other physical models that should be applied?

  • Determination of the solution procedure: Can the problem be solved simply, using the default solution parameters? Can convergence be accelerated with a more aggressive solution procedure? Can the problem benefit from a staged (evolution) solution technique? Will the problem fit within the memory constraints of your computer? How long will the problem take to converge on your computer?

Careful consideration of these issues before beginning your CFD analysis will contribute significantly to the success of your modeling effort. When you are planning a CFD project, take advantage of the customer support provided to all Ansys Polyflow Classic users.