3.8.2. Specifying the Parameters for the System of Spines

The default remeshing method in 2D is called the method of spines. In this method, mesh nodes are organized along lines of remeshing (called spines). Ansys Polydata requires the specification of the first and last spines that the fluid encounters (inlet of spines and outlet of spines, respectively). In this case, the inlet of spines is the intersection of SD_2 with SD_1, and the outlet of spines is the intersection of SD_2 with the flow exit (BS_4). You will define these parameters using the Method of Spines menu item.

  Method of Spines

To specify the inlet for the system of spines, select SD_1 and click Modify (Figure 3.21: Specifying the Inlet for the System of Spines).

Figure 3.21: Specifying the Inlet for the System of Spines

Specifying the Inlet for the System of Spines

Select Part of inlet section and click Upper level menu at the top of the panel.

To specify the outlet for the system of spines, select BS_4 and click Modify (Figure 3.22: Specifying the Outlet for the System of Spines).

Select Part of outlet section and click Upper level menu at the top of the panel.

Figure 3.22: Specifying the Outlet for the System of Spines

Specifying the Outlet for the System of Spines

Then click Upper level menu three times to return to the appropriate menu for the next step.