Chapter 2: Running the Standalone Solver from the Command Line

This section explains how to run the Motion solver from a command line interface on Windows and Linux systems.

2.1. Running the Solver on Windows

The Motion solver can be run from the command line in Windows using the following command:

<path to Motion>\Motion -option1 value1 -option2 value2 …

The default executable path for the Windows SMP solver is shown below:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\Motion\Solver\Console\rundfs.bat

The default executable path for the Windows HPC solver is shown below:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\Motion\Solver\HPC\rundfs.bat

2.2. Running the Solver on Linux

On Linux systems, the Motion solver can be run as follows:

<path to Motion>/Motion -option1 value1 -option2 value2 …

The default executable path for the Linux solver is shown below:


On Linux systems, the number of processors specified will automatically determine which solver to use.

2.3. Solver Arguments

The following arguments are used for various solver options.

Option NameValueDescription
-hNoneDisplays help message
-vNoneDisplays solver version
-tNumberSets the number of threads
-iFile PathSpecifies the DFS file path (without extension)
-oFile PathSets the result file path

The following arguments are passed to the MPI program. These options are for control process placement. If you are running the SMP solver or if the value for the -n option is set to 1, these options will be ignored. For more information about controlling processes and MPI options, see Controlling Process Placement.

Option NameValueDescription
-nNumberSets the number of processors
-fFile PathThe file path to the text file containing the host names. One host name should be specified per line.
-hostsStringAllows direct input of a comma-separated host list
-ppnNumberSets the number of processes to launch on each node

Rules for setting Number of Cores

  • The number of cores used is determined by the product of the values of the number of processors and the number of threads that you specify (see table above). The number of licenses checked out from the solver is the number of cores minus 2, and applies to the HPC solver only. For more information about HPC licenses, see Ansys HPC in the Ansys, Inc. Licensing Guide.

  • For Frontal Solver and Super Solver, the number of processors and threads should be set to 2^n.

  • If you do not define an input file using the -i option, you are prompted for a file path.

  • If you do not define an output file using the -o option, the output file is created using the same location and name as the input file.