3.1. Ansys HPC

These physics-neutral licenses can be used to run a simulation across multiple cores and work with most Ansys applications. Some Ansys applications can utilize any combination of CPU and GPU processors. Other applications are limited to CPU processors only. Contact your Ansys sales representative for a complete list of products that can be used with Ansys HPC.

Most Ansys applications allow you to use four cores without using any HPC licenses; Ansys HPC licenses add to this base functionality. For example, an Ansys CFD Enterprise user using twelve cores will consume only eight Ansys HPC licenses. Contact your Ansys sales representative for a complete list of applications with this option.

Note:  HPC licenses and HPC Pack licenses cannot be combined within the same solution. Additionally, HPC licenses do not participate in license borrowing.

3.1.1. Ansys HPC Pack Licenses

Ansys HPC Pack Licenses can be used to run a simulation across multiple cores and work with most Ansys applications. Contact your Ansys sales representative for a complete list of applications that can be used with Ansys HPC Pack Licenses. Individual HPC Pack Licenses cannot be split between multiple users or between multiple analyses.

Products with Included Cores

Application/ModuleIncluded Parallel CoresGPU SupportHPC Per GPU
Additive Print4 (2)NoN/A
Ansys Rocky4Yes8 (3)
Discovery0 (5)PartialN/A (6)
Fluent4Yes1 (4)
LS-DYNA1 (1)No N/A
Mechanical APDL4Yes1
Polyflow Classic4NoN/A
Speos4Partial (only Preview)N/A
  1. Ansys LS-DYNA HPC needed

  2. Maximum 12 cores

  3. Requires Ansys Rocky HPC

  4. A maximum of 50% of the HPC tasks can be used to enable GPUs, for example 2 HPC Packs enables a total of 36 cores and a maximum of 18 can be used for GPUs.

  5. HPC solves are provided by the underlying physics solver license.

  6. Discovery offers GPU-based solves in Explore mode, which does not cost any HPC packs.

HPC Packs per Simulation


You may only borrow one Ansys HPC Pack license at a time.

3.1.2. HPC License Sharing (System Coupling)

When running a system coupling calculation using multiple solvers. Each solver has to check out its own HPC licenses. For example: A system coupling calculation where Fluent is using six cores and Mechanical eight cores would require the simultaneous checkout of the following licenses.

Fluent: Requires the base CFD solver enabling the license plus either a HPC Pack, or 2 additional Ansys HPC licenses

Mechanical: Requires the base mechanical solver enabling the license plus either a HPC Pack, or 4 additional Ansys HPC licenses

3.1.3. HPC Licensing with Hyperthread Cores

For Ansys HPC licensing, a hyperthread core is treated as being the same as a physical CPU core. If you run a 24 core Ansys solution on a CPU with 12 physical and 12 hyperthread, you will consume the number of HPC licenses required to enable a total of 24 cores. Typically, the 12 Hyperthread cores will enable little or no speedup to the calculations and therefore hyperthreading is not recommended.